Day 18 – Morning Kitty

November 18th, 2007

Today, the Hubster and I spent the day at my mom's house. It was fun and now we're both quite pooped. I started this little guy this morning and put him together when we got home. Another mini kitty collage, I'm calling this one "Morning Kitty." It's about 4"x6.5" with paper collage and ink.


6 Responses

I just love Morning Kitty…he’s nice and orange with the cutes expression. Very sweet. I had no idea this is collage…very interesting compositon.
Happy Thanksgiving!

What a delightful collage! You know I like cats…so he’s a shoe in for me. Very clever how you put this together. Is the wall painted orange over gray paper? Wondering…learning. BTW the quilt will take her bath in the morning and be shown after she drys.

So simple and so adorable!

absolutely adorable….by now I am sure you know I just love the kitty!!!
Thanks for sharing it!

This is darling. It reminds me of one of my three cats peeking at me in the morning while I am trying to sleep. She wants me up to feed her and is about hurl herself at me full throttle. lol

Ah, the essence of cat. Ears and eyes are all you need, really, to get the message. Very nice!

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