
December 29th, 2007

When synchronicities start falling in my lap wherever I turn, I know I'm on the right track. And everywhere I go I'm seeing things relating to "Now." I've been on a fun little run of the internet this morning and keep thinking, "oh, i must link to that and that and that!" But then it gets a little out of hand and I need to let go of trying to remember it all. I think if I did remember it all this post would be a tad too long. :-)

In a beautiful example of Julia Cameron's quote, "leap and the net will appear, " I received an amazing and generous offer in the comments of my last post, from Sarah of Today's Homemaker. Sarah has offered her services as a proofreader/copyeditor for my book! Thank you again, Sarah! And thank you to everyone for the chorus of "YES!" It means the world to me!

Above is something I did in my art journal this morning with pencil, colored pencil and pen. I'm going to use it for this week's Illustration Friday theme which is "soar." The theme seems to fit in so perfectly with all sorts of things coming up, such as the leaping rabbit in the post below and Marilyn's theme for 2008: "leap." The quote above is one that Patti left in the comments of the last post. I think it has to do with letting go of the baggage and restrictions we put on ourselves, so that the core of who we are is allowed to soar freely. The quote from Ginevee, an Australian aboriginal, says, "Inside each of us, there is a forgotten person." When I read it, I had this ghostly image in my head that needed to come out. I put that quote within the forgotten self who is being allowed to soar. Perhaps I'll do this drawing with paint at some point, but getting it out of my head is good for now.

While working on this image, I was listening to some podcasts and somehow ended up choosing an older podcast from Accidental Creative. This particular podcast is called "Moment" and it was so incredibly relevant to some of the things I've been talking about here, that I had to share. This may sound odd, but I actually listened to this podcast several times and I even took notes in my sketchbook! The podcast, by Todd Henry of Accidental Creative, is all about becoming "unbound" or how we can uncover and break down the artificial boundaries that limit our creativity. I wrote about something similar in my post on defining beliefs. And for many reasons this theme is particularly important to me right now. For one, one of my defining beliefs has been, "I'm not a writer." I could go on about where I came up with that belief, but it's really not that important. The important part is that it became part of my identity and I held onto it as a rule, when in reality it's an imaginary construct that is not serving me in any way, except to hold me back.

Henry shares a story from Neil Fiore's book, The Now Habit that illustrates really well how artificial boundaries can limit us. We are asked to imagine a board that is 1 foot wide and 30 feet long. Can you imagine walking on that board easily? Yes, it would be quite simple to do for most of us. Now, imagine that board is 100 feet in the air, balanced between two buildings. It would take the same skills to walk along that board, but we'd surely be terrified of falling. Just like moving the board high up in the air, our imagined boundaries keep us fearing the consequences instead of living in the moment and focusing on the actual skill it would take to do the job. My theme for the year is, "Now." So, if my boundaries keep me from living in the moment, that's just one more reason for me to unearth and release them. 

I also really liked what Henry had to say about "the break between aspiration and action." Here, he was speaking about how when people have big dreams that they aren't acting on, there is usually some artificial wall in the way (or the aspirations they have are actually those of other people.) This was certainly true with my dreams of writing a book. I had all sorts of belief systems set up that were blocking the way. And it's also true as Henry says, that each belief that you uncover leads to others which can be daunting, but also so very freeing to discover! I'm definitely feeling a lot more freedom in releasing some of my defining beliefs this year and I'm sure the continued freedom I find in 2008 will lead to wonderful places.

I also loved the part of the podcast that talked about how you must step outside your comfort zone and explore your curiosities because being stuck in old ways of doing things and/or feeling any tension around moving forward is usually a sign that some boundary is in place. All of this relates so much to being in the now, to being open and willing to play, to releasing the fear of failure, to being confident and yet humble. These are all lessons I'm trying to absorb.

I'll leave you with this poem I found online today by DW Bender. The poem, which went with the beautiful woodcut she created for this week's Illustration Friday, touched my heart:

tonight when dreaming
may I turn into a bird
nameless and homeless
in my solitary flight
I'll forget I have no wings

13 Responses

So much to absorb here! Love the quote from Patti…love how you interpreted it. And that final poem…wow. Synchronicity abounds! I keep telling J that ‘08 is going to be a GOOD year for us…I FEEL it. I’ve been telling him that for a couple of months now, but I’m not sure he believes me yet. I had him draw an Abraham-Hicks Well-Being card this morning (it’s his birthday) and the message was PERFECT for something he’s been struggling with…and the front of the card even had music notes on it! :) Here’s to much glorious growing and leaping of dreams…right NOW. ;)

Leah! I am taking in all of your good news! This is amazing stuff. I can’t wait to see what 2008 holds for you (and me!) xo

isn’t it amazing how, once things get rolling and the energy starts flowing, how easily things have a way of falling into place? i have a feeling that this is just the beginning for you as long as you keep moving forward with your (incredibly wonderful!) intentions. :)

and thanks for the links to the podcasts. i’ve only just recently tapped into the world of listening to them–but, dang, i am now a podcast LOVER! :)

Thanks for your comments on my blog, Leah. I browsed through your blog just now and I really like your attitute and perspective!
Here’s to a wonderful, creative and productive 2008 for all of us!

The quote, “Inside each of us, there is a forgotten person,” really resonates with me, so I thank you for sharing it. I also am inspired by Neil Fiore’s ideas about boundaries. It all comes down to perception… reality is subjective, so if we change our perception of the boundaries we’ve created for ourselves, we can also change our reality. I want to wish you a happy and prosperous new year – rich in all the things you cherish:> xoxo, Carla

It’s a beautiful post and really makes me think about things and my own limits. I try to soar inside of them and sometimes that works. If I soar too high the sun melts the wax of my wings and I fall, but never mind, I get up again.

You are an inspiration, Leah!

Found your blog today. Very inspiring! I’ll have to come back and read more. I think the CED08 challenge is a great idea! I’d love to join.

All the nuances that you notice and appreciate in your life are such an inspiration to me. I love coming here to see the things that have inspired you daily. Thank you for inspiring ME daily! xoxoxoxo… :)

Hi there. Thanks for your comment on my blog. From what I’ve seen/read so far, I like the spirit of yours. Wishing you a Happy NOW Year.

Leah, Thank you for being the first to post a comment on my ‘myhermitude’ blogspot Illustration Friday post — on the “Soaring” entry. I decided to visit your website this morning, while browsing and so groggily trying to wake up. I read through, nodding and smiling in agreement to your musings on soaring and synchonicities, intuition and creativity, what Ginivee said, and those things you relayed from the podcasts about blocks to creativity, etc. At the end of your December 29th post, I found myself reading my dreamtime tanka poem and so, being honored by you in such a beautiful way. Thank you for letting me know it touched you. In return, you’ve made my heart feel big and warm and tender and thankful and weepfully happy. A little bit of Heaven shone my way this morning :^D and it’s Name is really Love.

Interestingly, I’d purchased a copy of the book, “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron, at a thrift shop a few months ago, and had only started reading it — it’s a workbook on overcoming the creative block by committing to doing something everyday toward that end (which is one reason I joined IF and barenforum). Your blog and outreach is an inspiration, too. I’m going to read a bit more on your blogs and your CED2008 challenge, now…

Great post.
Happy New Year.

What beautiful and hauntingly ethereal image! Here’s to unleashing creativity in 2008!

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