Creative Every Day: February 4th – February 10th, 2008

February 5th, 2008

CED2008 participants! Feel free to leave a comment here with a link to post(s) about your creative activities during the week of 2/4/08 - 2/10/08.

Happy creating!

13 Responses

Hello! I clicked onto your blog via another artist…the week before I challenged myself by going the Daily Photo route. But because of your blog challenge, I’m inspired me to Get It Going On in many creative ways. Can’t quite tackle a whole year, but I’m giving myself the whole month of February. Thanks for the inspirations!
Here’s my creation today:

Thank You…

Please visit my blog at to see the a few of the creative things I get myself into.

Have a Lovely Day!

Thanks for this opportunity Leah. I’m being a bit negligent with my creating to share but I am mostly now trying to be creative in my art space with organizing :D It’s slow going.
In the meantime I’ve been trying to do some videos and posted my first one on youtube late last night. It’s about a journal page I made. The link and a couple of pictures can be found here:

Thanks for the continuous inspiration, Leah. Check out my blog to find out what I’m up to and what I’ve been thinking about…
I finally got a piece of molding 1/4″ x 1-1/2″ that I’ll glue corks on. Will photograph it sometime in the near future.
Happy Day!

My first experiences with collage! Thanks for the motivation, Leah.

Hi all CEDers! I’ve been up to making dolls, blankets, and other nonsense at
I’ll be doing an art quilt and some fun embroidery soon! Can’t wait to post about that!

oooohhh…fun stuff from the blustery north!!


check out some kid’s creativity and a busy mom’s doodles…

Button dolls have been my playmates this week…lol

Hey, I actually posted something! Whew have I been lacking on the posting.

here’s my link for the week :-)

just noticed you are reading mark nepo’s “the book of awakening.” it’s one of my favorites!!!

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