
April 18th, 2008

Art journal pages. Another scribbled intuitive drawing and a collage with some writing on it that says, "everything outside is blooming. i want to bloom too." Speaking of are those lovely ranunculus flowers I mentioned yesterday.

I worked on a small encaustic painting today. It was so gorgeous out that I brought my encaustic tools out onto the porch and put this together with wax, tissue paper, and textured paper for the two crows on a 6"x6" panel. It was inspired by a photo I took while at Artfest.

I started using an old iron with the encaustics and like it much better than the hot air gun. Tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful day and I plan to take advantage.

I hope you all have a wonderfully creative weekend!

If you needs some inspiration, check out what these Creative Every Day participants have been up to!

  • Hanna has been making some beautiful stencils, one of them was one of the coolest happy accidents I've seen in awhile!
  • Valerie has made a gorgeous box out of coasters.
  • Cris has a lovely painting in progress of sheep in a field.
  • Mrs. Pivec has a stunning mixed-media piece that sings spring.

And there's so much more to see. Go take a gander at what people are up to!

13 Responses

The flowers and your art piece are fantastic. I knew you would totally rock the art piece from that photo.
Enjoy the sunshine!

The encaustic is so wonderful ! A great representation of a great photos ! Love it!
Take care,

The ranunculus are SO beautiful! I love them!

Oh that crush is soooooo mutual. :)

always so much inspiration here. love the crows…my life is filled with so many different kinds of birds these days on the sanctuary. thinking we need a retreat under pink skies by the sea ?!?

I’ve never tried encaustic… maybe its time too… very inspiring!

Your art is looking great! I really like the intuitive drawing you did. The flow of the lines is gorgeous! I love it as her dress there. Fabulous job :) The encaustic art looks really good too :)

it is such a breath of fresh air coming to your blog…seeing all your art full of color. you are such a talent!

i really enjoyed your artfest posts because i relate and understand.

I really like how your wax collage turned out!
It look’s like a painting. I wonder if I could
do that to the TisUCollage I did awhile ago. How
do you do that? Just click on posted by: Flassie
and it will take you right to the TisUCollage.

God Blesss Your Creative Life!

I love the flowers photo, did you do something with the media you are working with on that too?

Hi Leah,
Your blog continues to be a wellspring of beauty, joy and creative inspiration…and COLOR!! I love it…and the kitty video too : )


Your encaustic painting is wonderful. I love the two birds and the background, actually the whole thing. I work with tissue papers too, (I especially use rice papers though). Thank you for the hint about the old iron. I have some in my “art shop” at school. (I teach middle school art, I think I may have written that once). Thanks for sharing, Roxanne

Oooh, I love those ranunculus (ranunculi???). Someone brought me a bouquet of those when I had Katie, and I’ve loved them ever since!

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