Springy Inspiration

April 23rd, 2008


Spring has sprung! The magnolia trees on our block are in their full glory this week and I just love them. Definitely gives a pep to my step. The birdy above seranaded me on my walk the other day.

Yesterday, in honor of Earth Day, lil bro and I walked to the grocery store instead of driving, brought our own bags, and bought food with less packaging. Last night, the hubster and I went to a Red Sox game with some friends and we sat up in the Monster seats (on top of the "green monster"...or monstah in Boston.) It was a really cool view. I'd never sat up there before. By the end of the night it got really chilly and windy, but it was a fun experience. For Earth Day, they had people walking the aisles like food vendors with big bags collecting bottles and cups to recycle.

It's definitely a little harder to get to the computer with my brother visiting, but that's not such a bad thing. We've been keeping busy and having less time has actually motivated me to get some things done that I'd been putting off.

I've gotta run. In the meantime, enjoy these links that I found fun and inspirational!

  • ArtsCollab is a site where people can share inspiration, links to websites and such. I've just discovered it and haven't explored it fully, but so far it looks very cool!
  • Over at The Boss of You blog, Lauren and Emira have posted a free download of a sample budget spreadsheet. I checked it out and found it to be very helpful.
  • Heather, who I met at Artfest, introduced me to a site that's all about trading illustrated ATC's. You have to be juried in to this particular site, but anyone can join in sites like ATC's for All.
  • I came upon the blog lotushaus recently and I love the look of it and the theme of sustainable design.

Looking for some ways to be creative?

  • Try journaling in a new environment. Take your journal to the park, to the library, the local coffee shop, in your garden, on your front porch, or in bed. A change in perspective often sparks great ideas!
  • Take care of the little things. Sew on those buttons that have fallen off, fix that whole in the wall, re-attach that door knob that fell off...tasks such as these can make you feel great after their done and in the process you may find inspiration popping into your head.
  • Draw with something unusual. Dip a feather, stick, straw, or ribbon in ink or paint and try drawing with it. The unusual lines you create will be unique and fun to play with.
  • Put on music and create art inspired by it.

Happy creating!

3 Responses

I am a member of ATC’s For All, and i would highly recomend checking us out :) ! I would love to see some of my online blog friends join with my online ATC friends!

thank you for some ideas for more creativity :) i hope you’re doing great, xoxo

Happy belated Earth Day to you!
…and thank you for the great links and for your inspirational ideas. =]

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