Cooking Creative

May 13th, 2008

Mind as Ocean

I'm not the best cook on the planet, but I can follow a recipe. With the encouragement of the hubster's very experimental take on cooking, I have been taking recipes I find online and tweaking them slightly to make them work for me. I may eliminate ingredients I don't care for and substitute items depending on what I have in the pantry. Creating a meal together that was put together with a touch of love and creativity can be so satisfying!

Tonight I made artichokes (steamed, like Jim shared on his blog), skillet mashed potatoes (a new fave), and my creatively tweaked recipe for baked flounder. Here's what I did in case you're curious. It was super tasty. Of course, feel free to use your creativity and adjust the recipe all you like!

Leah's Sweet & Crunchy Flounder for Two

Ingredients needed: 2 flounder fillets, 1 egg white, 3 teaspoons orange juice, 1 cup of cereal (I used honey bunches of oats) smashed up in a food processor (or by hand), and one tbsp of butter, melted.

  • Preheat oven to 500 degrees
  • blend together egg white and o.j.
  • Pat dry fillets
  • Dip fillets, one at a time, in egg mixture then cereal.
  • Place fillets in 13"x9"x2" pan
  • Drizzle butter over fish
  • Bake for 8 - 10 minutes

What a yummy dinner it was. After dinner we borrowed our neighbor's dog and took him for a walk. All in all, a lovely evening.

10 Responses

Lol, you borrowed the neighbors dog????!!!
Ok you sooooo need to come be my neighbor. I can just picture the whole thing and now I’m grinning from ear to ear imagining you and your hubsters walking with the borrowed dog. Sigh…you have so much love, it is just wonderful.
P.S You fish sounds delish. Ha, I’m funny.

I love that image – I have seen it before haven’t I?

Thanks for the pointer to the smashed potatoes they do sound like a possible new favourite for us too!

Alas not the fish though as Jim is a vegetarian.

wow– T is a Boston boy through and through and loves him some fried fish so I will HAVE to try this recipe– thanks so much for sharing!!

That flounder recipe sounds wonderful! Will have to try that. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE artichokes. MMMmmmmmmmmmmm… they are a favorite!

I really like your interpetation of the brain
being like the ocean!! Beautiful Painting!!

Sweet of you to borrow the dog and the recipes
sound’s delicious!

God Bless Your Creative Life!!!

Those potatoes look so yummy! I love that painting you have, the fish really draw me in. The jellyfish kind of wigs me out though. The tenticles look like really long, grasping fingers. I don’t mean this in a bad way. Good art makes you react in all kinds of ways. I just happen to think jellyfish in general are a little bit creepy. But the fish are so beautiful that it counteracts the creepiness.

Hi Leah! I’ve heard about your challenge for some time now but today I finally landed on your actual blog. I have to tell you, I’ve been swimming in your blog for about 30 minutes now and it is extremely refreshing and inspiring. It really does capture the spirit of creative living without the typical pressure that’s put upon the lifestyle.

I know the year is half over, but I would love to join your challenge. Let me know if you need any additional info.

YUM! You made me hungry!!! How about you cook for me, I sew for you? Deal? LOL.

Thanks for the recipes, Leah…..and wonderful painting! :)


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