The De-Cluttering Continues
May 16th, 2008
Seems like most of my creative energy has been domestic this week. That's o.k., sometimes you've gotta follow your bliss and this week I've been feeling like a blissful nest maker! Tonight, the hubster and I collaborated on a perfectly light springtime dinner. He prepared sesame crusted swordfish on the grill and fulfilled my request for tomato, basil, and mozzarella, which he arranged beautifully. The hubster had requested brussel sprouts, so I found a recipe online and again tweaked it slightly (I didn't add any cheese at the end.) The weather was nice enough to eat out on the porch again and everything was SO good!!
A quirky older gentleman came by to purchase my old stereo. Turns out he needed something to play music at his family's summer cottage. Oh, and I forgot to mention another bit of clutter released. I received a gift last year that I simply didn't care for. There was no receipt to exchange it for something else and I couldn't imagine ever using it. However, it was from a family member and the idea of getting rid of it made me feel guilty. So, it moved around the apartment from one corner to another, eventually ending up in a dark cabinet where I didn't have to look at it. Well, in my clutter release, I decided to let it go. I couldn't imagine anyone else wanting it, so I put it next to the kitchen trash to take out the next time I went out. Well, I had someone over the other day who asked, "Are you throwing that out?" I told her yes and explained that I didn't like it. And then she asked if she could have it. Even better! I was quite happy that someone else wanted it. In a bit of synchronicity and as Caroline mentioned in the comments of my last post, this is just the sort of thing that Carla is recommending in her Weekly Wings Challenge.
I'm on a de-cluttering roll! Out of the way clutter! You're no match for me!
4 Responses
i’m trying to reduce my clutter as well!! have you listed items on craigslist?
Posted by: she | May 16, 2008 at 11:18 am |
Good to hear you are on a roll – it sounds very productive in a nest building way.
Posted by: Caroline | May 16, 2008 at 1:18 pm |
That’s where I got MY brussel sprouts recipe too! (i don’t add the cheese either – just some crushed salt and pepper … YUM!) Baked salmon and brussel sprouts is THE dinner lately. (sometimes i add roasted baby red potatoes w/olive oil and rosemary …) Mmm. (drooling just thinking about it …) (how attractive.)
Posted by: deb | May 17, 2008 at 10:01 am |
Awesome Leah!
I’ve been reading all about your decluttering. I am right there with you, and these posts have helped me keep the momentum going. I cannot believe how much “stuff” we can accumulate!
Back to my donate, trash and put-away boxes!
Posted by: Bohemian mom | May 17, 2008 at 3:41 pm |