Hugs and so much Love you’ll get a sugar rush

July 13th, 2008

It's always nice to receive kind words from your peers and I'm so appreciative of the blog awards I've received lately from blogging friends. I received a couple in the form of the arte y pico award from Doreen, Julia, and Tammy and a Brilliante award from Chantal and Shayla. Thank you SO much ladies! I really appreciate it. I'm sending you each a warm kitty hug (that's Sadie in the back and our orange boy, Tabbers, taking a nap together on our kitty tree.) Or a dog hug if you'd prefer (that's me and my mom's dog "Corduroy" below). Or if you're allergic, a regular person hug. :-)

I totally appreciate the love and I'll continue to disperse it in the form of the regular linky love that I love to do. Oh, so much love! If you're reading this, know I'm sending some extra love your way. And now, it's time to don my art apron and get a bit of work done. TTFN, ta-ta for now!


7 Responses

*glows with love* I’m feeling the love! I love all these images of the kitties and puppies and apron! They made me smile!

Oh my gosh…thos cats are killing me!! Too cute!

Oooh! A kitty hug, please! My kitty doesn’t let me hug her. What purrfect babies!

I just started with the art apron too. I’m pleased to find I don’t need to get changed 4 times a day and have sets of painting clothes.

Those kitties are way too cute!

AAAHHHHH HAHAHAHAH HA HA. Laughed harder when I told your story to my VIP. Can’t stop thinking of you and hubby and the beetle. It’s worth a second read.

Enjoy your day, you certainly made mine.

Love. Love your kitties. Love pics of you.

i am digging that apron … and digging those sandals too ….

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