Clean and Clear
October 21st, 2008
Phew! Just did a major clean and clear of the refrigerator and cleaned up the kitchen. It was a quite a job, but I'm glad it's done! And while I'm feeling a bit more clear, there are some things I've been meaning to share:
- Recently, I noticed that my blog posts were not updating in Bloglines (which is where I attempt to keep up with loads of fabulous blogs.) I did a whole lot of trouble shooting with no luck and then all of the sudden, after about a month, it started working again. I don't know what changed, but I'm sorry for the mix-up. I found that there's a new feed through feedburner which you can subscribe to here. When the other feeds weren't being picked up by Bloglines, that one was working.
- Denise Linn, author of Soul Coaching has a regular radio program on Hay House Radio. I listened to one today about not taking things personally (there's a link to it if you scroll down the page.) I remember reading about this same topic in The Four Agreements. And it made an impact on me. It relates also to the book I just finished, Loving What Is by Byron Katie. I've been reading Katie's book slowly, trying to digest and take it in. The ideas in it are simple in many ways, but not in others. Very powerful either way and I'll need to continue to process what I read and practice it too.
- Speaking of coaching, I've been thinking about hiring a life coach for awhile. I know some fabulous women coaches through blogging and I know some people who have benefited from the process. If you have any recommendations or suggestions for me, let me know!
- Just for fun: I love I Can Has Cheezburger and all their hilarious cat photos. Browsing their site recently, I noticed that they teamed up with a curator to create a show of LOL Cat artwork! The opening is this Thursday in San Francisco and you can read more about it here and see a sneak preview of the art here.
- I received a lovely surprise from the incredibly sweet and talented, Jennifer Lee. She sent me a gorgeous card (from my favorite animal artist, Jessie at Stray Dog Arts) and a lovely glass heart from Heart is Hot, a goodwill business that is all about sharing the love, fostering connections, and following your heart. You can also share your stories of connection and track the hearts you purchase, receive, or pass on through their website. So very cool. Thank you Jenn! I feel the love and look forward to sharing it with someone special!
5 Responses
I had the same problem with Bloglines, as have a lot of others. Your feeds were probably fine, it’s Bloglines that’s the problem.
I switched to Google Reader and have had NO problems at all. Just FYI.
Posted by: Jim Doran | Oct 21, 2008 at 4:40 pm |
Hi Leah, I just thought I’d mention to you that there’s an online bookclub begining starting up called “The Next Chapter” and their first book will be Denise Linn’s book “Soul Coaching”…it begins on November 1st. I’ve signed up to do it myself.
Here’s the website if you’d like to check it out:
Posted by: Kate I | Oct 21, 2008 at 8:13 pm |
Hey Jim! Yeah, I should have specified that it was a Bloglines problem, not a feed problem. I thought about changing feed readers, but it seemed like too much of a hassle and it’s working fine now.
Hi Kate! Yep, I’m signed up for it too!
Posted by: leah | Oct 21, 2008 at 8:21 pm |
Go read this blog. Lisa is a life coach who had a dream most of her life about moving to Paris. After a couple of years of planning (at 45) she finally realized her dream.
It took me three days to read her blog from the beginning. She is an inspiration. I would think she’d be an excellent Life Coach.
Posted by: Robin Schepf | Oct 22, 2008 at 7:49 am |
I’m really interested in the life coach idea! You’ll have to tell me if you look into that further
Posted by: Julia | Oct 22, 2008 at 12:13 pm |