Red Balloon

November 17th, 2008

I've been busy, busy all day, putting together a 2009 calendar of my artwork (I'll let you know as soon as it's ready!) In the process, I've also prepped some more artwork for prints which I hope to have up on my art website soon. These things always take longer than I expect them to, but I feel good about the progress I've made nonetheless.

Taking a break from the computer this afternoon, I set to painting in a completely intuitive fashion, upon a 12"x16" piece of watercolor paper. I wet the paper, letting some paint flow into the water, creating shapes and lines in a fluid way. Things were flowing again, unlike yesterday, which was a relief. When I stepped back, I saw what was the woman's hair and started bringing that out, eventually seeing that she was wearing a grand red dress and holding a red balloon which is why I'm calling "Red Balloon." I used some ink in the end to draw in her face and give some highlights to the dress and the feather headpiece in her hair. It was fun to play with paint, with no particular end in mind.

This playful method fit right in with one of the focuses of Soul Coaching today, which was to find ways to experience more fun and joy. I plan on having a lovely, fun night to myself this evening while the hubster is out. Heck, it's fun just thinking about the variety of things I can do to make it a fun evening!

In need of a laugh? It's perhaps my love of all things cat, but I find this incredibly funny. It makes me laugh out loud every time. So, if you need a giggle, be sure to check out Guster's a cappella "Carol of the Meows."

Thanks to Wendy for pointing out that AEDM got mentioned on the Liz Massey's blog, Creative Liberty. Liz also mentioned the amazingly talented, Tammy Vitale in the same post. And I have to mention that Tammy created a drawing named after me, called Leah Dancing as part of AEDM, that I just totally love. I've never had a piece of art named for me before. What an honor! It made me all giddy. :-)

23 Responses

Cool work! And congrats on the mention and being named for an artwork!

I am also curious about the specific process you are using to develop the calendar…I think it’s a neat idea!

thanks! i’m using to produce the calendars.

love the work! I need to come back and read the post better (I told myself I WOULD NOT spend the evening on computer, just got on to upload my AEDM sketch) I know if I sit still long enough I won’t get off here until midnight or later!!

Lovely and spontaneous. I want to play some like this – if I work smaller for this kind of play, I think I can relax enough to let it happen. Anything over about 12 inches starts to feel like a “PAINTING” to me – not just something fun. AEDM is working for me.

Gorgeous painting :o ) I’m loving AEDM as its challenging me to do things outside my norm, and I’m playing with so many different mediums, getting a little grubby and totally loving it!

A calendar? I am excited for that one.

This painting is wonderful. I love red. Gorgeous.

Love the colors in your dreamy painting. Letting it ‘flow’ definitely works for you :)

love love love the whimsical dress she has – the balloon matches – lol
Love the flow of it all!!
just beautiful!

Carol of the Meows is so awesome! I bought it on iTunes last Christmas and it is now one of our absolute holiday staples. It always makes us laugh.

I LOVE the colour in this one, the red just explodes!

This is absolutely beautiful, Leah! I spoke about red in my post today but in a different way. lol

love, light and peace,

My husband just brought that “Carol of the Meows” up this morning. So, wink, wink from The Universe.

Leah, how do you get these awesome’ly beauty-full piece of art done so fast? Are you using magick? You’re using magick aren’t you? :) I bow to you Oh Great Creatress!

~Lovely Leah and her Spectacular Speedy’ness~

Your creations are always so much fun, this one included!

I’m the first to name a piece after you?! No way! Well, if “yes, way” then how very cool. And I want one of your calendars. Just tell me where to send the check….

leah, this painting is just fantastic, it speaks to me of the mystery and fun of being a woman….she seems to be dressed up for a ball…I loved it , in other words!!

I would love a calendar too! :)

Reminds me of Cinderella, but doing just fine without her Prince Charming. Or maybe he’s the balloon? Here today, gone tomorrow? Hmmmm . . . interesting.

Like a princess in a parade, with her billowing red dress and red balloon! You are blessed with such incredible imagination Leah! Lovely painting!

Please send out a shout when your calendar is ready to purchase please :o )

A lovely creation once again. Congrats on getting an art creation made in honour of yourself. You deserve the recognition. Hugs from Desire

Oh those circles of blue in the sea of red are dreamy Leah…DREAM-E!

I love this. It is so pretty and dreamy. I like your play process, too.

Maybe I will try for my own “play” painting.

Painting should be fun, right? At least some of the time.

I do believe in the pull of the subconscious.

I love the colors you used for this one. Her dress kinda looks like cotton candy to me, maybe with the balloon she is at a carnival! :)

Another great piece. I like what looks to be a feather in her hair and so very cool that Tammy did a drawing about you.

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