Hello, Little Albatross

February 19th, 2009

albatross detail
albatross detail

This little guy is a detail from a painting I'm working on as part of a project where artists and writers are teaming up to create a piece inspired by the work of their partner. I was given a lovely poem to work on and the poem mentions an albatross which I really wanted to include. I collaged the backround, and serendipitously, the word "often" showed up in it's belly, so I kept it there. There is some literary symbolism attached to the albatross (from a Coleridge poem, Rime of the Ancient Mariner) which has associated the bird with a heavy burden. But before that, the bird was known to be a symbol of good luck, so I'm going to go with that. Birds always seem like good omens to me.

p.s. I shared my "You Are So Loved" painting over at Pecannoot today. Thank you so much to Jess for sharing my work!!

p.p.s. I'm going to be a bit quiet this weekend because my little brother is staying with me and I need to come up with some creative ways to keep him entertained. I hope you all have a wonderfully creative few days!

7 Responses

Hi there,
That was a great painting.
I like the color,and i agree w/you that the birds are the sign of “goodluck”.
Nice post,hope to see you on my blog too..=D

Lovely Albatross!

And surely flying ones are good luck – its killing one that does your luck in.

And you’ve reminded me how lovely the chicks are too – I saw someone once in a magazine – so I’ve googled to find some now:


Cute huh?

And I love your “Your are So Loved” painting too.


Aw, I love the little Albatross, something cute and optimistic for the weekend! Hope you have a great weekend with your little brother!

Angela :)

Very cool Leah!
Have a super weekend.

what a cool project! and an albatross is such an interesting thing to paint– i love it, leah. :)

I forgot how old your brother is exactly but I am sure he would enjoy the museum of science. We went there this week for the forth time and there is always so much to do! The exhibit on frogs that is there right now is great.

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