CED Challenge Check-In: June 15 – 21

June 15th, 2009

Ced2009Welcome, Creative Every Day Challenge participants! 

This weekly post is a place for CED participants to share their creative activities.

Ways to share: Leave a comment on this post and/or use the "Mr. Linky" widget below to link to a post (or posts) about your creative activities during the days of 6/15/09 - 6/21/09.

The widget below is an optional method of sharing your creativity that makes it easier for others to check out what you're up to. You can use it to link to a blog post (or posts) during the week listed. Or if you have a bunch of posts and don't want to link to all of them, you can link to your main blog page once. Do it in a way that makes sense and is fun for you! (If you're reading this in a RSS reader or email subscription, you will not see the "Mr. Linky widget", so click on over to the blog to use it.)

You can also take advantage of the great CED flickr group to post your images and see what others are up to.

Join in the Challenge: To find out more about the Creative Every Day Challenge check out the details here.

If you want to sign up to be a part of the challenge, leave a comment on this post or email me to let me know. When you contact me, please let me know how you'd like to be listed in the list of participants, which resides in the right sidebar (I can list you as your name or as a link to a blog if you have one. A blog is not required to participate!) Please email or comment to let me know you're participating before you start posting links in the comments or on the "Mr. Linky" widget.

Theme: The (totally optional) theme for June is sound. I'll be posting about the theme throughout the month. You can find out more about how you can use the theme here.

Happy Creating!!

Music... can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable. ~Leonard Bernstein

12 Responses

well, what do you see?? I am asking my readers to tell me what they see in my very colorful current painting obsession….it’s fun and then I will tell what it was I was thinking of….so far, very interesting ideas and not one that was what I was thinking!


I’m working on something special this week at the Tree House. Last week was packed with fun, stepping outside the box entries! Love Love Love the duet!

Thank for leading us astray… errrr I mean providing us with a playful forum to express ourselves, Leah.

A little sketch of a rosebud and some photographs.

The birds were making a nice SOUND, which seems appropriate for June. :-)


i am doing a different kind of creating this week… creating my art exhibit.
creating a display with my paper dolls and artworks, creating a fun opening night party… creating new connections as new people discover my art :)
i am tired from stretching myself and happy that i’m doing it

This painting was done by using Leah’s music technique of listening to music (I used my own selection because I didn’t have my computer with me at the time), closing my eyes, and letting my pencil wander over the paper. I also added the extra element of using my left hand (I’m right-handed) to further fool my conscious, critical mind. It was fun!

I think you might enjoy this:


I could do it for hours (hmmmm….maybe I have) I would wish for more songs but then I’d never get anything done! Enjoy.

Thank you Leah.

I’m still on track in my 100 paintings in 100 days. I’ve also found the various prompts around the internet to be mixing into new ideas. Remember “Play?” that’s coming up. And the sound idea is influencing my paintings, just did some paintings based on characters from my kids bedtime storytelling.
It’s interesting.

This is something I did for IMT- however IMT doesnt accept comments/posts from Brazil so I am only posting about it here.
Sorry, but I am really not happy.

I drew–drew (which is a big deal for me :-) ) my first official ATC last night–and it has been as if a bomb has gone off…for some reason I had convinced myself I could not do it…and then I gave myself permission to just do something horrible and ugly…and it turned out brilliant…and now I have a whole series planned…of EYES no less. :-) The one last night was the eye of an octopus (pics forthcoming yes) …it’s been an interesting week…the click of my knitting needles still brings me peace. I am finding just a few short rows w my needles is almost a good as a 10-15 minute walk–which in the sweltering heat around here now is not that …inspiring….

I created some beautiful music videos of roses with raindrops,using my photos and beautiful relaxing music. You are all invited to relax by me.

Hi Leah and CED followers,

I posted a fun video, my first, and in keeping with the theme for June (sound) it is full of sound, music and laughter. Laughter is music.

I’m looking forward to seeing more of everyone’s fantabulous creativity posted this month! I’ve already been dazzled!! LOVED Peggy’s submission above re: soytuaire.labuat…. I, too, could have done that for hours. It was cool to move your mouse/cursor to the beat of the music and watch the wonderful swirls you can make just like a paintbrush. FUN!

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