Wreck This Journal with Smooshy Paint!

July 3rd, 2009

I've been having a blast playing with my copy of Keri Smith's Wreck this Journal for Jamie Ridler's book group. Fun! If you missed last week's update, I brought my journal in the shower and gave it a good scrub. And it did not want to dry, despite being wrapped sweetly in its own little towel, so I took Lisa's advice and put it in the dryer briefly. I didn't want to start a fire, so I only got it mostly dry in there. When I took it out, it looked like this:

wtj curledpages

Oh my. So, I spent some time uncurling all the edges and now the book looks like it had a perm, but it's mostly fizzled out. Hehe. It's still a little damp, but I've carried on with it. I actually like some of the effects that writing on a damp page has. In this week's video you can see my current favorite page and then you get to see me in action, squirting paint and ink onto the pages to make a print. So purty! I already see something in the print that was made, so I'd be curious to hear what you see there! If I end up playing with the ink/paint blot further, I'll post a picture.

Making a video could be another way to play with the self theme for the Creative Every Day Challenge this month! You could simply show yourself live, read something you've written, make silly movie, or just share something about yourself. I'd love to see you! I know the first video I did for Wreck this Journal was really scary, but it's become a lot less scary with each one I do. It might be a fun way to strech yourself!  In the meantime, I want to wish a happy 4th of July to everyone in the U.S.! Happy 4th! And to everyone, I wish a wonderful, creative, fun-filled weekend!

32 Responses

Ummm – I see a Teddy Bear. Wonder what Rorschach would make of that?

Have a great 4th, Leah. These pages actually ended up a little like fireworks, didn’t they?

Hah! Lianne, they do look a bit like fireworks!!

sweet smoochy paint !!!! I think I saw two birds kissing – is that what you saw ? I will think about the video idea…extra scary for me…but maybe I will get addicted to it once I break the ice and try it one time…I promise to think about it !

Happy 4th to you too, and emmm-ah back ( blowing kisses)!

Uh-oh. Sorry about the curly pages. My journal has that but I didn’t realize it was from the dryer. Maybe you could iron it! (Like you’d take any more advice from me now!)

I love how your drip and smoosh came out so rorschachy!

Too cute! Loved seeing you in your studio. Can’t wait to see what you do! And your sound effects were adorable. :)

Lovely and bright and sticky. Great fun

Leah!!!!! I love getting to visit with you in your video and see how you are wrecking in your studio and just funnnnnn fun fun!
Can’t wait to see where you go with that smooshy page!

Leah I really liked it that you made a video. I liked it, it was fun! YAY! xo, O

I love that somehow your smushy page has this beginning feeling like a painting you would actually start to paint!!! Maybe…just maybe this will become a new starting line for you in creating!!! Smushy paintings!!! Yay!!

Peace & Love.

(PS You get an award for being the absolute cutest!!!)

Great video. Your project reminds me of childhood craft days. Such fun!

love the video! I’m not that brave:) but I have been doing a bit of wrecking lately..
summer isn’t turning out to be the creative endeavor I’d hoped for but my little C.E.D. graphic reminds me, even if it’s making a pb&j with a new flair!

Loved your video Leah.
Loved the paint page – great colours!

WOW…your journal looks so thick and fluffy now! Mine is still pretty flat. I LOVE your smooshy paint pages! I am excited about trying that hopefully this coming week!

Thanks for visiting my blog and watching my video and leaving a comment!

That was awesome! You did a great job.Have a wonderful week and thanks for stopping by my fist week.

woman, you are just magnificent.
i adore you.
and your videos are like the best ever. just seeing your face makes me smile! :)

Hurray to a wreckage well done! :)

love the concept – have been following along your posts and can see where it is a freeing way to look at things. Love the follow through! (I mostly read and don’t follow though and one obviously misses much that way).

How fun to see you in your studio, Leah! Gosh — I enjoy seeing people in their context. My favorite part of the video is when you wiped the extra paint on your cover!

Hi, Leah. I agree with Lianne. the first thing I saw were 2 teddy bears. I don’t know what that means and I don’t care. LOL. That’s just what I saw. I Love seeing your videos – it’s such fun to see the artists / blog-masters I have been folowing, and you are so cute, especially in your studio. Your courage in wrecking your journal is awesome. I am going to post mine later today.

Hugs, xxxooo

Smooshy, colorful fun! Immediately, I saw a blue bird on both sides, at the top middle. It’s like a Rorschach test! :)

great paint splattering! i also want to say thanks for the book suggestion, my library has a title from that author :)
the only thing i saw were 2 little characters at the top (the blue part i think), little creatures anime style, maybe bears or something???

Leah, great viedeo and I love what you did to the drip page. i have been working on wrecking my journal and it is lots of fun.


I see cute blue teddy bears with orange dresses!!! I love smooshing paint! :)

So cool to see you in person, doing your thing! A glimpse of Leah-art-in-action :)

That page is like an inkblot psychologist’s test! If anyone found your journal they would definitely think it was properly wrecked and you had done your job. The dryer, huh? I am about to take mine in the shower since it is now food encrusted. I’ll have to keep the dryer in mind (with a close eye on it to avoid fires as well).

This is so much fun! I saw a big bear face. I love all these videos–makes me want to get my own wreck this journal. Hope to soon!

That was great – It was nice to see you in person, working on your journal ~ which, by the way, looks pretty cool. And I do like your idea of videotaping yourself for the July theme. If I can ever get a good hair day!

Love the video – it’s really the only way for anyone to see the little spark of devilish enjoyment that comes from wrecking.

Lovely fluffy book!

Hey Leah,

So much fun to see your sweet self on video while playing in your studio. You are just completely adorable!!! And yes, that was AMAZINGLY colorful… and cool!

Excellent! I enjoyed watching the process – how fun! I thought the top part with the blue, looked like two birds. I was actually surprised how much it stood out – one point it was drips on the page, the next thing it’s birds! Cool!

Most fun!! you are so bright and cheerful. a nice way to start my afternoon..I
m following you because you ARE insprational

favorite part.. cleaning off the table with WTJ

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