Art Every Day Month Check-In: November 29th
November 29th, 2009
Today is the 29th day of Art Every Day Month. The thing about doing Art Every Day Month is, that no matter how imperfectly you do it, there's always some learning and growing going on. Perhaps you posted more than you normally do, perhaps you met some new creatives, tried something new, showed something you'd normally keep private, reached out in a new way, created more than usual, found inspiration in an unexpected place, stretched yourself, or even wowed yourself. With any challenge, we learn something about ourselves, and if we can look at it, without judging how "good" or "bad" we did, we can tuck what we learned in our pockets for a rainy day.
One of the things I learned this year during AEDM is that I may not be able to heal myself through making art through difficult times, but I can help along the healing process. I learned that anxiety and anger can be powerful forces in art-making and that if I push past the initial resistance to starting, creating does wonders for my mood. I also re-learned that creative community is powerful and thrilling and wonderful to behold and I've loved every moment of creating in such fabulous company. What are some of the things you've learned for yourself?
The box below is a widget that I provide each day as an optional place to share a direct link (blog post or flickr image) to that day's creation. If you don't have something to share today, don't worry about it! Share when you can. In the meantime, be sure to check out what other participants are creating! Check out the links from today's post and the links in the sidebar for instant inspiration. You can also see lots of great work in the AEDM flickr group. Feel free to share your work there too!
If you use the widget, please link to a specific blog post (or specific image if you're linking to a flickr page or other website) instead of your main blog page or website. If you want to share, but don't have a specific page to link to, feel free to use the comments section of this post to share what you're working on. If you're posting less than once a day, no problem! Simply use the latest one of these posts to share a link to your creation. For some, it's too much to keep up with posting every day, but don't let that get you down. Do it if you can and if you can't, just keep on creating, that's the most important part. If you get off track and miss a few days of creating, don't let that freeze you up either. Just pick up where you left off and keep moving forward. One foot in front of the other. You are making your life a more creative one with each step.
If you're new to Art Every Day Month, check out the AEDM info page for all the details, then send me an email to sign-up before you use the link widget to share your creations. (If that email link isn't working, you can email me at leah at
Instructions: Please see the Art Every Day Month Instructions post if you have any confusion about how to post your link or how to sign up.
Twitter: Are you participating in AEDM and you're on Twitter too? I'm on there as @leah_art and I've been using the hashtag #aedm to mark Art Every Day Month tweets. I also started a Twitter list for AEDM which can help you easily find Twitter folks who are participating. If you're not on the Twitter list yet and would like to be, send me a DM (Direct Message on Twitter.)
It takes courage to follow your fascinations, wherever they may lead. Yet, creativity demands that you trust and stay on the path despite obstacles. The good news is that it's possible. ~Gail McMeekin, The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women
15 Responses
I finally got my Etsy shop up and running! This post is all about the ‘artist!’ Trust as Gail McMeekin says is what it’s all about… Looking forward to seeing what the others are up to! Take care Leah. Last post tomorrow boohoo …Ange
Posted by: Ange | Nov 29, 2009 at 6:17 am |
I’m jealous that you got your etsy shop up and running…that’s on my “to do” list =) Celebrating my B.D. today with family this morning but hopefully will have time to post something later. Busy days!! Boy will I miss this each day =(
Posted by: Maron | Nov 29, 2009 at 9:01 am |
leah – this has been a learning experience for me – I learned I can share what I’m creating which is amazing for me. And I’ve found time to create each and every day. I’ve learned there are creative, amazing artists who have joined you for this month of creativity. Just visiting all the blogs has been inspirational. all the ideas I have!!! Thank you for taking time to do this each year. It has been a journey for me. One I am glad I chose to do.
Posted by: tami | Nov 29, 2009 at 9:30 am |
thank you leah for your special duties as hostess here. This has become a nice way to shut out the busy world for a short period of time each day and relax. AND to see such beautiful talent in other artists!
Posted by: elk | Nov 29, 2009 at 10:23 am |
Through participating here, I have learned that doing a little creating each day is enough. I don’t have to cut out huge swaths of time from my day and then feel overwhelmed if I don’t think I’m making progress quickly enough. If I take the work in little, digestible bites, it is doable.
Doing a little something creative every day has another benefit: it brings me closer to the notion that I am actually a legitimate, in-the-flesh artist.
Posted by: Hudson | Nov 29, 2009 at 11:19 am |
What struck me most is that by exercising my creativity daily, I feel more creatively fit. I learned how visiting other artists site can be a mini daily artists date.
I have learned that I love blogging, as it helps me become more intentional in my creative process. Thank you so much Leah.
Posted by: Rennata | Nov 29, 2009 at 11:55 am |
I have found this month to be risky, scary, inspiring and exhilerating. It has been so fun getting to know the other participants and see the inspiring works. When I first said I wanted to participate, I thought if it worked out fine and if not fine. Then Leah said she would add my name to the list of participants and I thought Oh, Oh, now I will have to do something! Then it started and it was great, then a lull in the middle thinking I would never make it and now I wonder what I will do without this network. It has been great and I didn’t think I would actually see it through to the end, but it looks like I will. Thank you all for being supportive and helping me feel better about trying things and sharing without so much fear.
Posted by: susie | Nov 29, 2009 at 12:28 pm |
You’ve created a community of kind, generous, supportive artists. Thank you!
Posted by: Carmen | Nov 29, 2009 at 12:32 pm |
i did feel lot of power to create everyday and i will keep on do it forward.
i am lucky because i can express art with words, draws and my real job, dance’s theater.
thanks for add me to your project, i will be happy to do your december proposal
Posted by: lilas | Nov 29, 2009 at 1:01 pm |
Dear Leah,
I am happy that you feel this way, and you have learnt a lot about yourself. I have learnt the love I have for handcrafts and the real value of craftsmanship, and that these experiences are priceless.
Posted by: Ana | Nov 29, 2009 at 2:15 pm |
I am glad that I took part in this challenge, too. I did not create something completely new every day, but I either worked on part of a project, got supplies for new projects, took photos, blogged, or viewed other artists’ work almost every day – and some days I just “pondered the possibilities” without telling myself I was just dreaming. This challenge made me do more than “ponder”, and to start taking myself and my dreams more seriously, and for that, Leah, I cannot thank you enough!
Posted by: Patty DiSandro | Nov 29, 2009 at 3:04 pm |
I am glad that in this huge world here I found it so recognise a lot many wonderful men and work
.Thank you Leah ,that many men like this together sets.
Posted by: Marika | Nov 29, 2009 at 5:38 pm |
Hi Leah and All of Us! It’s been fun! I hope you all are able to continue..just a little most days!
Today’s posting is of some drawings I did a few years ago. However, I am still drawing and painting, baking bread and other things!
Take care!
Posted by: Peggy Stermer-Cox | Nov 29, 2009 at 6:47 pm |
last day, feel a bit sad that the month finish, only for art… for real life i am very happy to see the year is getting to the end…
Posted by: lilas | Nov 29, 2009 at 11:00 pm |
Once again, I want to say “thank you” to Leah and to everyone who has encouraged me by their comments or by visiting my AEDM blog posts. This has been a month of great learning and progress for me in watercolor painting, and I am grateful for this opportunity.
Thank you! – Mavis
Posted by: Mavis_EmotionallyImpelled | Nov 30, 2009 at 12:16 am |