Elephant Love

November 5th, 2009

love elephant

Well, hello little blue elephant! Isn't he cute?

I drew this guy in my sketchbook a couple months ago and today felt like the right time to bring him to life in collage, paint, and ink. I went back and forth about whether or not to paint the elephant or the sky behind him in a warm color, like the bottom. But I like that the elephant is blue. I went back and forth, putting little pieces of paper on the piece to see how a different color might look and then putting the painting in different parts of the room to see it from different perspectives. And then I realized I like it for now and I can always re-visit it.

I work fairly quickly when I make art, but when it comes to processing things, I move slow. It's helpful when I get in that processing phase to let the art sit for a day, leaving it somewhere where I'll see it as I go about my work. After a day or so of doing this, I usually know what the next step is or if it's done.

If you're feeling stuck or unsure about something you're working on, give yourself permission to stop. Either move on to something else for awhile or just stop for the day and come back with fresh eyes the next day.

Happy creating, everyone!

20 Responses

It is cute. And you are so right about waiting to process things. I posted about sitting to watch my painting and to process it. Boy, I wish I had looked at the image that I just posted BEFORE I started working on the painting again tonight. I feel like I’ve ruined it already. (I’ll reluctantly post images of that, too.) But I’m trying not to judge. Perhaps there is some goodness in there somewhere. Perhaps it is just fear telling me that the way the painting was yesterday is better than what I’ve done to it today. Leah, creating is hard work, huh? But worthwhile.

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Oh my gosh, it is precious and adorable. Leah, I’ve learned to be patient, I’m very “task-oriented” and always want to get it done fast. Now, for instance having to wait overnight for a collage to dry, not only improved the quality of the end result, BUT I also learned to enjoy, literally, each stage. I love the dry, smooth, clean surface of my collages prior to distressing them.
Sorry I have not posted everyday, but as you may see in my blog now I have been creative: )
Wishing you all a happy and creative weekend!


Love the little elephant.


Adorable little elephant! Permission to wait is a good direction for me when I’m editing photos. It can be easy to get lost in “just a little more contrast, ok, now just a smidgen more saturation here, a little crop there, wait, more, ok, now some extra yellow here..” sometimes I just gotta take a break, come back & realize it was pretty much ok the way I shot it. Less crazy; more time for creativity. :)

How sweet. Gotta love him.

I LOVE him!!

Beautiful piece! I like the elephant blue with the background as well…looks very well balanced this way. Thanks for advice on letting things sit…I am always stuck and wondering what the next step is, because I rarely plan when I paint. Maybe I should!

I love him. The first thing I thought of was the Little Prince.

So sweet!

awwww…. he’s adorable!

This little elephant is beyond words adorable. So sweet!

And your words about process are invaluable. So grateful you posted both the art and the word wisdom for us all to glean.

Hi, Leah. That is exactly what I have been learning to do! Wait because I think a project might be finished, or wait because it is in the middle stages and I don’t know what else to do with it or where to go with it. Usually after an hour or a day or a week I know how to proceed, and it usually looks better after waiting too! I think we get too close (literally and figuratively) to our own creative work and need some distance to gain perspective.

Very cute elephant! I love it.

I love the blue elephant and yes It does take time to process things…

Leah – I think one of the things I’m so grateful for in all of these blogs is everyone’s process… just seeing (hearing) how everyone goes from A-Z is beyond inspiring because it really shows how many ways each of us goes about getting *anything* done. Thanks for this – totally. And da little pachyderm is quite awesomely cute :)

Adorable elephant! Thank you for reminding us of the permission to just stop! Sometimes I forget this!!!

I love this latest offering!

And I am so fascinated to hear how everyone is progressing on this journey. It’s wild how much art-making and creativity can bring up.

Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this simple yet powerful idea of making art every day with us all and then offering so much support for it! Speaking of which, I’ve got to get cracking on my offering for today!!!

yes, it’s really a cute elephant. Nice piece.

Had the most awesome day. My first art show was a wonderful experience. I sold some pieces but more than that, my friends and familky showed up to support me. Who could ask for anything more!!

Love the elephant and hope to catch up and see what everyone is doing on Art Every Day Month soon. AEDM is very inspirational. Am just too busy at work to have time to paticipate… maybe next year. Have done some quilting, sewing, and redecorating in October which is on my blog. Thanks Leah, for all that you do for the creative community!

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