Flowing out of 2009 and into 2010

December 31st, 2009

What a magical day. It's a Full Blue Moon, it's New Year's Eve, we're on the cusp of another beautiful year of being Creative Every Day, and I feel like I'm inside a snow globe with these teeny, tiny flakes falling outside. I'm especially loving that it's a Blue Moon, since I'm such a moon girl and as you might imagine, my favorite color is blue (plus, I say that "once in a blue moon" expression quite a bit.)

I've just finished my full moon dreamboard for Jamie Ridler's dreamboard group and I'm using it to reflect what I want for myself in 2010: mainly more ease and flow. I have this image of a river in my mind. There's an ease to the movement of a river, but there is also motion, action, and continuous, steady flow. Perhaps the river is also in my mind because I find sitting near moving water incredibly soothing. I think I sometimes associate stillness with stagnation, but ease and movement are not so separate. I see that in the way that getting regular exercise helps me feel more calm, and how de-cluttering helps me feel more spacious and open. It's a funny little paradox that I'd like to have in my life in 2010: ease, flow, and movement. While I've been thinking I'd use the words "ease and flow" as my theme for 2010, I think I may use the image of a river as it captures more of what I'm going for. Why not?

The dreamboard above was based on a sketch from my sketchbook that I drew onto a larger sheet of watercolor paper. I created the river with gesso and bits of snowflake tissue paper to create texture. Once that dried, I painted over it with ink and acrylics. (By the way, this is a great way to recycle holiday tissue paper and make cool textures in your art!) I then drew in the figure and wrote in some words, such as: ease, flow, resonance, calm, and movement. When I mentioned wanting more ease and flow in my life earlier this month, Terri (@TerriFisher on Twitter) let me know that Rhea is the goddess of Ease and Flow. How cool! I'm sure I'll paint her at some point this year too.

The last few years, I've loved choosing a theme word for the year. I think I may have read about it first on Christine Kane's blog (by the way she's offering a free download about choosing a theme word for the year.) Last year, I chose the word "Leap" and it served me well. I made some huge leaps in my career and my life in general. I'm especially proud of having art on the cover and an article in Artful Blogging Magazine, being on the radio, creating my first online teleclass, in-person workshop with the fabulous Jennifer Lee, first e-course, growing my online challenges, buying our first home, and selling more art than ever before. I'm so very grateful for my wonderful family, friends, loving hubster, and our four fuzzy cats. I'm also thrilled with the amazing connections I've made with fabulous creative people this year, many I met through this blog. I feel so incredibly lucky to be part of such an amazingly supportive community.

It's been a challenging year in other ways. I lost my Grandma after a battle with Alzheimer's just before Thanksgiving, I had some behind-the-scenes technical issues and problems with boundaries, I had a health scare with my beloved cat, Sadie, and I found the whole process of moving to be exhausting. I also made the decision to come off anti-depressants after being on them for ten years (I did this over a long period of time with the help of a doctor.) It was one of the most challenging things I've ever done. It still feels like a bit of a journey for me, but I'm doing really well and I'm thrilled about that. Overall, life is good. So very good. And I'm so grateful for it all.

To help me close out 2009 and grow my vision of what 2010 will be, I've printed out Goddess Leonie's stunning Creating My Goddess Year Workbook & Planner. There are some pages in the workbook that go along so beautifully with next month's (totally optional) theme of Body for the Creative Every Day Challenge, so I'll share those here. And I'm going to be interviewing the lovely Leonie next month about loving up your body, so stay tuned for that too!

Actually, I've got so much goodness planned for next month, that I can hardly stand it! It's going to be an amazing year. I love the energy that's building already. I wish each and every one of you a beautiful close to your 2009. May 2010 be filled with wild creativity, uncontrollable laughter, quiet moments of delight, and loads of love. See you in 2010!

26 Responses

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Leah Piken Kolidas, Amy Crawley. Amy Crawley said: RT @leah_art: New dreamboard art, post, and my theme for the year: http://bit.ly/7yYrJa #ced2010 [...]

Flow is my word for 2010! May we both find what we seek.

I hope your new year is magical!

beautiful as always! I have been thinking about using tissue paper on the background of some of my work. I think that is a great idea!


Happy, happy New Year, Leah,

I have chosen the word “dare” as in “get out of your comfort zone” for my 2010 word.


That is a beautiful piece of art, and certainly does evoke the flow and movement of a river you describe! Here’s to hoping all your wishes for 2010 come true!

Also, I just printed out my copy of ‘Creating My Goddess Year Workbook and Planner’. I’ll be working through that today and over the next few days as well. :) Fun little coincidence!

happy new year, luf!

Happy New Year Leah! Flow sounds like such a nice, soothing, sort of year. BTW, I’m putting your calendar up in a few minutes! Thanks for all the great art, posts, and inspiration!

Many thanks for sharing your creative journey and all you do to support creativity. May ease flow through all your days in 2010!

I don’t say it enough, but you are a constant source of inspiration and encouragement. I’m so glad I found your blog this year!

Best Wishes for a happy, healthy, creative 2010!


May 2010 bring you the ease and flow of a river. I so appreciate your sharing of your creativity.

Dang, I threw out all my old tissue paper! I’m still learning how to think like an artist, LOL. I do have tissue paper in the house, but new, not recycled. I love your flowing river. Such a meditative image. I created my first dreamboard tonight and am quite happy with it.

I like your idea of flow,how relaxing it is.I have not thought of a theme for my year.I’m not sure what a dream board is,but it sounds like fun.I like your picture of flow and I noticed not all the areas are flowing,thats life don’t you think.Happy New Year Leah and thanks for all you do.I have been using tissue paper also,I like the texture it makes on canvas.

I’m so drawn to this image of yours. It gives me chills. I’ve been feeling this huge heavy wave above me (2009-actually this past decade has been a hard one] and a calming flow of energy in anticipation for 2010. There is something magical in the energy of the next few hours…the full., blue moon, the lunar eclipse and the end/start of a year…
Leah, Have a wonder, colorful and creative 2010! I’m so glad that we have “met” each other!
once in a blue moon,

Thank you for being so visible regarding your going off anti-depressants. I did this over 10 years ago in a slow, medically supervised way as well and I agree it was the best thing. It was so hard and challenging and it’s not for everybody. I thank the opportunity that having the medication gave me, but it was personally time to let it go. Stay healthy and Blessed Be!

I am looking forward to participating in the 2010 Creative Every Day!

Thanks so much for doing this!!!

Here’s to a great adventure!

Happy New Year!

May you find a sense of flow and ease in 2010, guided by Rhea.

Your imagery is beautiful! May all your wishes ring true in the New Year! I am happy to go on a creative adventure with you in 2010 #ced2010! Happy New Year! ~Theresa

happy new year!
i am looking forward to sharing 2010 with you and bringing CED into my life. thank you for this space :)

Congratulations on ditching the SSRI’s.. I did that in 2007 and thus totally understand how difficult, but how wonderful the decision to be free can be! Thank you for CED.. inspiring and insightful information :)

Love the “body” theme because it challenges me to improve on one of my weaknesses!! I hope the ebb and flow of 2010 will be kind and wonderful to you Leah and to all of my fellow travelers on this creative journey…

~may your river flow far and wide…may your journey this new year be filled with only the brightest of blessings~

I love this image. The flow is beautiful and evocative.

Beautiful! Happy New Year to you!

What a beautiful dreamboard, Leah, and a beautiful vision for 2010!

Congratulations on all the gorgeous leaps you made in 2009! You literally shone this year with the light of your beloved moon. And yay you for finding your way through all the challenges that 2009 shared with you too. You are a strong, radiant woman. I can’t wait to see where the flow takes you!


You got me interesting in choosing a word for the year and I was noticing how well “leap” guided you last year. I picked “success” for 2010. I was also thinking about you during blue moon. Blue moon over here month had a rainbow around it. I’ve never seen that before and thought you might find it interesting. It looked like this photo, although a bit more dramatic: http://www.angelvillanueva.com/myspace/AV_MoonRainbow.jpg

Great work on your 2009, Leah, and have a 2010 with an abundance of flow.

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