Hello April, Hello Senses

April 1st, 2010

Happy April, everyone! And welcome to the month of the 5 senses here at Creative Every Day. Spring and the senses seem to go so well together, especially after a month of record rainfall here in New England. Signs of life and sun and Spring are like little espresso shots to my system.

I enjoyed a walk/jog this morning and used my phone as a combination of stopwatch, mp3 player, and camera. I had to stop a few times to capture the little signs of life I saw around me. I was especially excited by all the little buds on flowers, bushes, and trees. Life bursting into action.

When I took the time to pay attention to how all my senses were taking in my surroundings, I was delighted by color combinations, like the colors of bricks and shutters against great green bushes. I noticed the snailish, muddy smell in the air, I could taste water-logged smell of growth, feel the cool moisture on my skin, and hear the scratch of my sneakers on sandy pavement. And oh, I felt so very alive.

I'm noticing now, as I look back at my phone snapshots that I've captured different colors, blue and yellow flowers, white magnolia buds, green shoots, brown bark, orange bricks, a red garage door, and gray pavement. A lovely palette to play with. The next time you're outdoors, check in with your senses and see how they might inspire you. As I'm typing this, the sun just burst through the clouds! Yay!

7 Responses

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by HiroBoga, Leah Piken Kolidas. Leah Piken Kolidas said: New post: Hello April, Hello Senses: http://bit.ly/bBNr7w #ced2010 [...]

Yah! Sunshine after all this rain! You’re so right! I was starting to think we were going to need an ark here in Maine! But it’s clearing up (knock on wood) and today, maybe the truck will start. (It hates rain, lol)

And I saw five robins! WooT!!!

Dear Leah,
It’s wonderful to hear about your journey out on the walk, and your senses.
I went for a walk earlier too, just before it start hailing and it was great just to be home again. It was like I was part of the surroundings as the ducks and birds carried on with their day to day activies right in front of me, like I was part of them. :) I was in love, and still am. Appreciating everything around me, and speaking to all animals that passed by.

yes, yes, Yes . . . oh luscious spring and waking up . . . and your blog is so gorgeous! dreamy and lovely . . . like peering into someone’s active dream . . .

I loved being in New England on April 1 – this is when the sun started shining during our trip and YES! it was a sensory explosion extraordinaire.

I just love photos that are taken in the spring. It’s like cataloging a rebirth and fun to look back at. Good “excuse” to get out and take a nice long walk with camera in hand!

love this post, especially the Glory of the Snows shot at the end. Mine are up,too along with other bulbs pushing their shoots through the soil to unfold into spring flowers.

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