
November 30th, 2010

For Day 30 of Art Every Day Month, I played again with fluid acrylics on watercolor paper. I started to feel like the last few days have been pages of a story that I don't know the end to. By creating intuitively, I didn't know what the next page was going to hold, but they still seemed to tie together into a story. It was fun being surprised by what came next each day. I'm calling this one "Homecoming" and it's about 10"x9".

This month has been the fastest moving Art Every Day Month for me yet! It truly flew by! I so appreciate the wonderful energy created by this great group. And while I'm ready for a break from posting every day, I will miss it. Thank goodness we get to do it again next year!

In the meantime, there's still the Creative Every Day Challenge. Tomorrow, I'll have a post about December's optional theme of "Air." And I'll also be posting later this week about the 2011 Creative Every Day Challenge and how you can sign-up and join in.

36 Responses

Gorgeous! What a lovely way to wrap up another fabulous AEDM. Thanks for being the hostess with the mostess.

wow again! this is gorgeous. I love how warm it feels to me – it glows!

yes it’s kind of amazing how the month has flown by, and yet when i look back it was a big long month which produced an incredible amount of artwork all over the world and even for me personally when I see all the 33 posts on creative record for November 2010.


Beautiful! I always love those organic textures you have… I know what you mean by November just flying by.. it’s been wonderful participating with AEDM – I look forward to it in the year… thanks for leading the way!

This is gorgeous! It makes me think she is in some heavenly realm. All your art inspires stories in my imagination. Maybe one day we can work together on something.

Thank you sooooo much for organising this month – it has been an important part of my creative and personal journey in ways difficult to describe on here. I’ve said a little on my blog but it is bigger than that. Be proud girl – you are an inspiration!

Kat Xx

i really love your recent watercolor pieces. so much color. i think it’s more exciting not knowing where the piece will take you.

Leah, your paintings from the last three days are so beautiful and filled with light! But today’s is definitely my favorite of all. Very lovely!

wow! This piece is simply stunning! I adore the colours you have used…gives such a wonderful feeling of hope and joy :)
Thankyou soooooo much for hosting this wonderful event…I have enjoyed it HUGELY, both the creating but even moreso the community and meeting other amazing creative peeps!
Thankyou thankyou!xx

I haven’t done my final check in yet. Want to relish it, perhaps stretch November out just a LITTLE bit longer…..

Leah – wow, you ended with a bang…it has been such a delight to participate this month. Thanks for creating this space.

This is really lovely. I’m uplifted to see the paintings from the past few days and really enjoy the idea that a book may be unfolding. Thank you for hosting us, this AEDM has been so much fun!

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by HiroBoga and Leah Piken Kolidas, Julie Jordan Scott. Julie Jordan Scott said: RT @leah_art: Day 30 of Art Every Day Month (can't believe it's the last day!): Homecoming http://bit.ly/eAoxv7 #ced2010 #aedm2010 [...]

I think this is my favourite one yet :) .
Thanks so much for making November fly by!
Stay inspired!

Another fabulous piece Leah. Thanks so much for creating this project and facilitating our processes again.

Beautiful! There is so much peace and joy in this one. I love the orange and aqua:)

Gorgeous – what a wonderful conclusion!

This month has been truly inspiring… Thank you for hosting such a great challenge!
(I love the sound of creative every day :) )


Aww!! I think this is my favorite for the month. So precious. Awwww!!

Beautiful painting! Just love the vibrant colors. Thank you so much for this wonderful challenge Leah. This has been an amazing month. Can’t wait to do this again next year!

Wow these fluid acrylics on watercolour papers are astounding! So beautiful!!!

Thanks for a great month Leah!

Leah, you’ve inspired me yet again. Now I must try fluid acrylics! Thank you so much for doing Art Every Day Month. You are a peach!

Please stay in touch. Are you facebook?

Thanks again!

There is so much meaning and depth in this piece, simply gorgeous.

Gorgeous! That is the most perfect image and title for our soft landing at the end of November. We are Home. :)

I simply love this painting. I’ll be joining up with CED in Jan. Thanks for everything!

This has been incredible Leah! Thanks so much for hosting this challenge and bringing so many incredible people together.

It looks like the sun is peeping through the trees..Lovely:)
Jennifer is spot on, you are definitely the hostess with the mostess…Thank you so much and I had a great time

This is a beautiful painting. I really like the colours and the whole context of the painting. Itš just beautiful.

Hi Leah, It’s fun to see you work with watercolor. Very expressive and ethereal! Lovely too. Thanks for generously hosting “Art Every Day Month”; it’s a classy and wonderful gathering!

Thanks so much for hosting AEDM…I am so very honored that you liked some of my drawings…can’t wait for CED…this challenge really got my going and I want to keep up the momentum…

Wow Leah, that is just too awesome for words…wow…*is speechless!*


Drink the wild air. Wow. Knock my socks off (to say nothing of your new color pallette and this gorgeous picture). I feel like part of my day is missing, but I, too, am happy for a bit of respite from daily blogging. Although it definitely opens channels for me energy wise. Gonna have to pay attention to CED…make a commitment to it for 2011. I have two projects that just moved to the front burner – ones that scare me. Which is why they just moved to the front burner. I’m going to let the wild air feed my soul – and spill them on out. xo

The colours are stunning. I love this piece Leah!

Congratulations to you Leah and all of the AEDM participants. We did it! I am always amazed at how creative I get and how prolific I am. I set out on the month long journey with a list of possible projects but invariably new ideas come up that I can’t resist jumping on. My blogging pace will slow down a bit in the next month. I’ve had fun and wow it truly did fly by this year. Have a lovely holiday season. {soul hugs} k

Vibrant! I don’t know what the red signifies to you, but when I look at it here I see LIFE.

It looks like the sun is peeping through the trees..Lovely:) Jennifer is spot on, you are definitely the hostess with the mostess…Thank you so much and I had a great time

Vibrant! I don’t know what the red signifies to you, but when I look at it here I see LIFE.

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