Creative Every Day Check-In: January 1 – 9

January 1st, 2011

This weekly check-in post is a place for Creative Every Day Challenge participants to share their creative activities. This check-in is for a little more than a week, as I wanted to have a new one for the beginning of 2011. After this, the check-ins will return to every Monday.

Join in the Challenge: Read all the details and sign up for the  2011 Creative Every Day Challenge here!

Ways to share: Once you've signed up, you can leave a comment on this post and/or use the "Mr. Linky" widget below to link to a blog post(s) about your creative activities during the days of 12/27/10 - 12/31/10.

The widget below is an optional method of sharing your creativity that makes it easier for others to check out what you're up to. You can use it to link to a blog post (or posts) or flickr image during the week listed. Or if you have a bunch of posts and don't want to link to all of them, you can link to your main blog page once. Do it in a way that makes sense and is fun for you! If you're unsure about how to use the widget, check out the "How to use the Mr. Linky widget" section on the Creative Every Day Challenge page. (If you're reading this in a RSS reader or email subscription, you will not see the "Mr. Linky widget", so click on over to the blog to use it.) If the Mr. Linky widget is missing from this blog post, it's probably a problem with their server and it will come back as soon as it's fixed. You can always leave your link in the comments.

You can also take advantage of the great CED flickr group to post your images and see what others are up to. If you're on Twitter, you can use the hashtag  #CED2011 to help others find your Creative Every Day tweets!

Theme: The (totally optional) theme for January is the Cosmos. You can read more about the theme and some ideas to get you started here.

Happy Creating!

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. ~Carl Sagan

64 Responses

So excited to create alongside everyone else in 2011! You are each and all so inspiring to me!

Hi everybody. I started my creative year strong by finishing the first page for the Strathmore Visual Journaling Workshop.
Read more about my goal for 2011 on my blog.

Happy and creative 2011 to everybody.

Happy New Year!

May all good things come to you all!

To start this fresh new year. you may want a new desktop calendar.
You can download my wallpaper here :-)

Started my new year off right by doing art and I actually finished a piece! So excited to be doing the creative every day challenge this year! Happy new year everyone.

happy new year, thanks for sharing and giving so much inspiration to all of us

Ah, the anticipation of a new and happy year!!!

although I what I’m working on isn’t in the Cosmos theme *yet*, I am so in love with that theme and look forward to playing in it!
I’m working on a collage about falling in love with my body… hoping to post a photo today :)
~*Happy, happy new year to everyone*~

Happy New Year to you and yours!

Stay inspired!

Thank you so much for inspiring us, here is the link where I am spreading the word :)

Happy New Year, fellow creatives!

I recently started a blog on WordPress and will be posting some of my work here. I’m also committed to completing some of my songs this year, so you may hear little tidbits of my singing on the site as well.

I’m looking forward to the new year and the new opportunities it will bring. I lost my corporate job in 2010, and I’m starting to see what a gift that was. I believe everything happens for a reason, and my job loss is a wake-up call.

It’s time to get going on the creative part of my life. No more excuses, no more letting fear drive the car. The time is ripe for a new beginning.

Here’s hoping we all get to live out our dream in 2011.

I’ve never done anything like this before, but it sounds like a great way to start 2011! :)

Thank you, Leah, for helping me connect to so many creative bloggers. I’m excited about this new year. May it be a happy and healthy one for all!

I’m very new here.

My main blog features my poetry and has been running for three years. I have a pretty good following of loyal friends, but am always keen to meet new bloggers.

I just started a new blog where I’m experimenting with my Christmas present of a Wacom Bamboo Pen graphics tablet. My doodles are pretty creative and I hope to share them with you here as well.

I’m happy to be signing up since I love to cook, bake, write, draw, photograph and venture into new territory when I can.

I look forward to exploring other creative folks’ sites.

Kat Mortensen

Happy New Year!

I answered some questions reflecting on 2010. Copy and paste, take out my answers, and put in yours, if you’d like. It will be nice to see what any and all of you have written.

I just joined in and left a comment on another post. Well I figure better to leave another! I am very new to blogs and posts but very excited to learn and create. Thanks so much.

no better way to start the new year than to get the creative mind working again – here’s to a productive 2011!

Happy New Year! The Cosmos is an interesting and very big theme to begin the new year.

Hello all & Happy New Year!

I’m so happy to be a part of this group and so grateful for the year-long encouragement. I’m also looking forward to learning how the muse inspires YOU.

This is the blog I created specifically for Creative Every Day:

Mosaic Mama Creations

Hi, Leah.

My creative piece this week? A new blog! It’s the blog I should have designed a year ago, but the whole having a baby thing interrupted everything :D

I did finish a mosaic piece as well, but the blog is my main effort.

As part of my new blog, I’m compiling a short list of challenges for my convenience and anyone else who would like to use it. Your two challenges were the first ones I wrote down, they are so wonderful :D I just thought I’d check with you to see if that was okay and if there were any changes you might like to be made to how I summarized them. Let me know and I will fix asap.

You can find the list here –

Also, if you know of any other challenges that I could add to the list, please let me know, I’d love to add them.

Oh, and I adore the theme for January :D Cosmos is such an inspiring word, I must do something for it :D

Thanks for all your hard work. I’m looking forward to another year of wonderful creativity.

(deep in the depths of website development)

I’m so looking forward to joining in with this challenge.My 2011 goals are to Dream, live, inspire and be inspired…so here we go for 2011.

Happy New Year to you all.

I’m looking forward to 2011. I’m excited and curious to see, feel, hear, touch, taste and enjoy what this year will bring us.


Looking forward to a year of progressing in my art and in my life. I have been focused on surviving and now it is time to thrive. So, fellow artist best wishes in 2011 and may we all through our community of shared love of creativity help each other thrive and continue to feed our JOY!

I am excited to learn about this blog and challenge! I am also participating in the Sketchbook Challenge and hope between the two, I will be able to create something every day! I believe that to Embrace Your Bliss, it helps to follow the ABC’s: Awaken our spirits, Bring joy to other and Create beautiful things! Your create every day really supports my journey!

Thank you!
Susan, Blissfully!

I won’t be posting every day, nor will I be posting a weekly wrap-up… But what I will be posting is my writing, my (hopefully) creative memoir-ish blog posts, and the results of my craft/sewing projects. I hope it’s okay to continue to link myself every week, instead of linking a specific post… So anyone who’s curious can see what new treasures have fallen out of my brain. :)

I am excited to be part of this this year (I came late last year) and see what everyone has yet to make!

I love the Cosmic Cosmos Theme! I’m a wee bit limited as to what I can do but I will find a way to the next couple of weeks while healing from surgery. =]

Hi!! This fits right in with my resolution to focus on drawing something every day. So exciting!!

A whole new blanc fresh year is waiting, let’s face it!
Happy new year!

I’m grateful for the words “low pressure” in CED. I started a new blog on 1/1, in part inspired by this challenge. I also re-activated my sleepy twitter account in order to find you lovely creative peeps more easily: @truffulatuft

Happy New Year! after I put up my link I realized I don’t really have anything for the dates listed, so…eeh, sorry.

Having just signed up, I’m looking forward to participating and am off to blog, then create :)

Yikes – I’m late this week! Happy New Year my friends. A new beginning and a fresh start. I am so happy right at this moment! I just had a breakthrough idea for a new block of work I’m starting. Woohoo! Can’t wait to get started!

Glad to be participating again this year! I missed playing along last year! Off to see what everyone’s up to…

I started a daily Art Apple back on October 1st, 2010 to help a great cause – awareness for an autoimmune rheumatic disease called Ankylosing Spondylitis. I’ve managed to post a new apple everyday – whew! So stop by if you get a chance – I really like the Cosmos inspiration for January – I’ll have to work some in with the theme! Creative Every Day can be done!!!! I wish you all inspiration and perseverance in your endeavors. Best, Jenna

I have set my creative intentions for 2011. To be BOLD and paint lots. To this end I am changing my blogging schedule at Creative Potager to an Intention post on Mondays and a reporting out post on Fridays. I will continue to use Leah’s Creative Everyday structure as a way of being in community with you other creative beings. Thanks Leah for all that you do!

I may not partake in the Cosmos them as such to start with as I am painting a scene that from deep in the misty woods.

I am very much looking forward to particpating in another year of this challenge.

After commiting to three online challenges my internet decides to get flu or something. I’m on my friend’s computer now but not sure when I’ll have access to web next – therefore apologies for not visiting you all as much as I’d like!

Hope your New Year has started well & is already buzzing with creativity.

Kat :-)

This is my second year of participating in the Creative Every Day Challenge. It has without a doubt supported the side of me that’s constantly experiencing life with all the senses and creating “magic” on a daily basis. I have a personal challenge of creating a journal page a day, but the CED intent and site pushes me to create even more every day. Thanks so much, Leah, and the others in this community who are on a similar journey.

I love this – though I’m a little late to the check-in, I have started a 365 photo project and was so excited, I couldn’t help but start in december!

This will be another exciting year for being creative!

Happy New Year everyone! I’m looking forward to getting back into my creative groove after a slow December.

Getting back into the creative mode after being under the holiday seige. YAY!!!!! So excited fot the CED 2011. Terah

My word for 2011 “Freedom”. I set myself free. Terah

Hey there Leah! Thank you so much for providing this opportunity for inspiration and growth! I look forward to re- establishing my creative every day adventures!
Wishing you a bright new year!

I have missed this space! I came to the end of the year and realized – happily! – that I have been creating every day! It is amazing how just planting the seed of an idea has brought it into reality. Thank you all for enriching my life and my world.

I look forward to visiting everyone for more inspiration!
xo Lis

I just clued in that I was supposed to post a comment so other creative souls could check in on what I was doing, if interested. duh! slowly getting it.

I’m mainly writing poetry, though there will likely be reflective pieces on creativity, too.

my most recent poem is about cupcakes. :)

looking forward to meeting new people!


This looks like an exciting challenge for the new year! I am looking to more creative this year & get back into my artistic pursuits. I can’t wait to start.

Happy New Year Everyone!! I hope the holiday season was a great one for you :) I’m a little late out of the gates posting-January is busy busy for us at my day job oddly enough so I’m lagging behind in my creative time. No worries, I intend on getting on track this weekend. In the mean time I’ve done two video montages looking back at my 2010. I need to do 2 more for the full year but if you are interested, check it out:

Video 2

Video 1

Hope your year is a creative one full of new discoveries and lots of inspiration!


Hiiii… I’m participating for the first time here.

I wish everyone here All the Best that the Year would bring in your Creative endeavors..!!!

I found the Cosmos theme exactly what I needed this week. I’ve documented a particular story of (unsuccessful) star gazing in my visual journal. Shared through the CED group and my blog entry here –

Thinking of you, Leah, as I created “Baby Bump Bliss” :) :):)

Happy Creating everyone! Looking forward to a year of fun and fabulousness.

Hello all, and Happy New Year.

I have been creating art but am just getting around to posting.

I hope everyone is starting off the new year with wonderful energy and creativity.

I posted the result of the second lesson from Strathmore Visual Journaling Workshop 1.
My goal for this year is to be creative every day, but not necessarily posting every day.
So far so good.

Ooooooooo yay! I’ve got the new 2011 things posted on my sidebars AND January’s theme too! On the general 2011 sign up page, it asks one to join and then to comment,however, I could not locate a way to do so, though I can comment here! I will have to consider a bit how to use Cosmos within my own creative energy uses. I do not paint nor draw, and when I write it comes into my head finished and I must get to paper before it vanishes. I might choose a more writing, lecture, exploration-type expression about how I feel about Cosmos and how those ideas fit in with my daily practice. I do not know if that fits within the intent here. (so I will do it anyway!) :D

I just had to join in the fun this year too. Though I didn’t participate every week or use the theme every month, I love being part of this community. Thanks for doing this every year, Leah! When I first joined in, it really helped me to get back into the swing of having creativity as a regular part of my life, and helped me to recognize the artist in me. I am so grateful for that!

hehe I even had the flower…cosmos posted as a print that I have done for Purple Shoe Photography :P giggle snort

Here is my post that will just have to count for the first week, as a catch up…I called it, Faces of Cosmos. I added a category at the top left of my blog kept simply for Creative Every Day 2011 posts, with subcategories for each month. Simpler for those wishing to follow ‘members’ of the challenge, but not wishing to have to slog through everything else that I create at the same time! Happy Creating!

I love the theme ! Here is my first attempt… I’ll try to do better next

Congrats to all !

First post for 2011 – goal is to post weekly! Here is my art called ‘Solace’.

I think I got it right this time. I signed up a couple days ago (or maybe I was just leaving an empty comment, I dunno), but I finally finished my post for last week:

How weird, I thought I’d added my name and written a comment but both have either disappeared or never existed! Anyway, I’m looking forward to being part of this. :)

Happy New Year, everyone! I did actually do some creating last week, but am just now getting around to posting it. :)

I started out my creative year by making a moon calendar for my husband. It has 13 months instead of 12, marks the new, quarter, full, and 3/4 points, and marks birthdays and other important days on the date they would fall in the 13-month system. The month names are based on the Eastern Cherokee moon names which are part of his heritage.

I gave it to him for his birthday, and it was a huge success. He loved it, and is trying to figure out the best way to use it.

Leah-So glad to be here- again! I think I might have goofed and submitted my post on the sign up page twice. Anyhow- thank you for the Cosmos theme it has kind of crossed over with another project. I am looking forward to keeping this up during a busy semester! The phrase ‘Reach for the Stars” comes to mind.

Leah, Thank you for coordinating CED again this year. I painted my very first canvas, and it was dreamy and amazing and wonderful…

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