Preparing for Art Every Day Month
October 31st, 2011
Tomorrow Art Every Day Month begins! We already have a great group signed up and ready to get started. If you happen upon the challenge mid-month, feel free to join in any time!
For the year-long Creative Every Day Challenge participants, last Monday's check-in goes through today. Starting tomorrow and through the month of November, Creative Every Day participants can feel free to check-in any of the daily Art Every Day Month check-ins.
If you're beginning Art Every Day Month tomorrow and you're feeling a combination of excited and nervous, you're not alone! I always get a bit of pre-AEDM jitters.
One thing that helps me calm the nerves and prepare for the busy month of creating ahead is to do a bit of a brain dump into a sketchbook. I might write out any ideas I'd like to try out during the month, any unfinished projects I'd like to work on, supplies I'd like to use, and supplies I might want to pick up. I also like to just play and sketch and see what comes up. When I let my pen move across the page, ideas will often flow out. I can then turn to these sketches later in the month on days when I don't know what I want to create. Having some ideas to start with is very helpful when I'm creating every day!
When I did some of that this weekend, I started drawing an image of a woman pouring leaves from her hands, which you can see above. I may want to play with this image during Art Every Day Month! It may change as I work with it, but I like having this spark of an idea to start with. (You can also see some of my pumpkin carving idea doodles on the same page! hehe.)
If you're all signed up for Art Every Day Month, but feel like you could use some extra support, motivation, and perhaps a daily prompt, then feel free to sign up for the Survival Guide, which provides a daily post on a private blog with ideas, inspiration, and encouragement to help you make it through the next 30 days of creating.
I'm so excited to begin this month of intense creating with all of you! It's going to be a blast!
Happy Halloween!
16 Responses
I am so excited to be so focused and art everyday!
Posted by: Karen | Oct 31, 2011 at 1:02 am |
You’re not wrong about the nerves, I have dancing butterflies at the moment. Great advice about the idea dump. I will have to do that before I start.
Posted by: Kirstin | Oct 31, 2011 at 5:19 am |
The brain dump is a good idea.
Posted by: Shayla | Oct 31, 2011 at 6:17 am |
This is all so very exciting! I’m definitely signing up for the Survival Guide. =)
Posted by: Lacey | Oct 31, 2011 at 11:42 am |
You have so many people signed up this year! That’s wonderful! I am nervous, wondering if I’m biting off more than I can chew, but I’m going to try to do this again. I have really enjoyed the last two years, meeting new “friends” and of course the creative burst I get from it:)
Posted by: Bobbi | Oct 31, 2011 at 12:47 pm |
I would love to do this in Novemember but for years I do NaNoWriMo in Novemember. Writing is creative I so in a a way I am, but I think of it differently though. If you want to follow me I have to write 50,000 in 30 days so I will be busy.
My Blog link for it is here where I will write starting Nov 1st
I talk about it here
If you think it fits into your November scheme I will add it to your links when you post for your weekly linky widget.
Otherwise enjoy and I will maybe see you in December
Posted by: TRisha | Oct 31, 2011 at 12:48 pm |
I am so excited to begin again. I always learn about myself and create in ways I didn’t know I had in me.
This year, I am working toward a definite end: I have started to create a body of work focusing on women, especially women writers and artists who suffered (or suffer) from depression and how they deal with it.
Many famous women authors ended up committing suicide.
Another famous women author did not – I adore her writing and want to focus quite a bit on her work.
I will be taking items from the traditional “women’s sphere” and covering them with book pages from these women (and others.) I plan to make some assemblage pieces with them… very excited.
Posted by: Julie Jordan Scott | Oct 31, 2011 at 1:27 pm |
I’ve started a list of ideas; how many see the light of day will be a different matter!
Posted by: Nigel | Oct 31, 2011 at 3:04 pm |
Is it really November already?!!? I’m so excited to sign up again Leah–and I love your sketch. It really touched me deeply.
Sending you tons of LOVE!!
BIG Hugs!
Posted by: Connie | Oct 31, 2011 at 3:27 pm |
I’m eager to participate!
Posted by: Terrie -Creative Explorer | Oct 31, 2011 at 4:09 pm |
Hello Leah. A blogging friend recommended Creative Everyday to me just in time for your November challenge. I have just revamped my art blog, so this a perfect way for me to launch it and challenge myself to post regularly. I’m not sure I will be able to write a post to go with every drawing, but I am going to try to post an illustration every day. I’m especially excited about meeting and sharing with other artists! Thanks so much for setting this up – it’s my idea of fun in the best way.
Posted by: Carol Apple | Oct 31, 2011 at 5:25 pm |
[...] picture prepares the way for the art every day challenge and we imagine what is to come while remembering, [...]
Posted by: Between and Betwixt | RipeLifeBlog | Oct 31, 2011 at 7:23 pm |
getting ready in the liminal space! delighted to have the structure and “accountability” to keep on with words and pictures as the busy season unfolds! Thanks so much for the co emerging!
Posted by: Michelle | Oct 31, 2011 at 7:25 pm |
Looking so forward to this!!!
Stay inspired!
Posted by: Michelle | Oct 31, 2011 at 11:12 pm |
(first apologies–I linked to my blog–not a single post — and no undo)
That being said (sigh)
Hey! I am excited! This day was born with such vibrant color. From sparkiling golden leaves in the wind and scarlet burning bush, midnightblue lake with white caps, gray sky. I am inspired.
But today–day one is dedicated to a new recipe. A new way at looking at my Gluten Free lifestlye.
Posted by: Create with Kim | Nov 1, 2011 at 4:35 pm |
Hello, I am going to try this. I have been with you for a couple of years now and I haven’t been able to manage the ‘everyday’ bit. I will keep trying. I took a class at Castle in the Air in Berkeley, California last Saturday and made a fabric 3D Raven. I will take pics tonight and post on my blog by tomorrow evening. Please visit my blog for a recipe for pan sauteed apples a great fall morning treat.
Posted by: Angela | Nov 2, 2011 at 11:43 am |