Day 12: Inkblot Doodle of Alice

November 12th, 2011

Not a lot of time today, so I played with an inkblot in my sketchbook, bringing out an image of Alice and the Jack of Hearts. Hope you're having a great weekend!

14 Responses

Wonderful! I enjoy seeing how you can transform inkblots into such beautiful and inspiring images!

Beautiful….love it!

A really cool and imaginative interpretation of the blots! I probably would’ve seen something more expected, like butterflies or something :)

So funny as I was just watching that today!

What a superb way to start a creation…it is fun and different and I am going to try this. Have a wonderful day
Gwen xx

WOW…this is so cool, Leah!

I always love watching you transform your inkblots. And I’ve really been enjoying all the great quotes this month. xo

They’re great! Really love the hair – the way it is blowing in the wind! Fun movement!

Wonderful sketch!

You’ve captured real Alice magic in this sketch. Lewis Carroll would be very proud of you.

For just “doodling” this is really lovely!

Do you let the inkblots inspire an idea or do you have an idea and work it around the shapes of the inkblots? Either way it seems freeing in a way but challenging also. I like this result a lot.

I love all the movement in this piece. I also like that it’s a little bit darker than some Alices, more like how I envision the story.

Thanks, guys! Glad you’re enjoying the inkblots.

Terrie, I always let the inkblot inspire the idea. It’s kind of like a game for me and it’s always fun to see what shows up!

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