Day 3: Bring Down the Sky

November 3rd, 2013

Today's piece was one I've had in my head for awhile. I love how AEDM brings work out of me! It's acrylic and ink on watercolor paper and is an expression of this quote: 

There are some griefs so loud 
They could bring down the sky, 
And there are griefs so still 
None knows how deep they lie. 
— May Sarton

Annabelle asked to paint when she saw me painting, so we painted together. She worked on a page in her farm animals painting book. So sweet! 

15 Responses

Oh this painting is so magical and etheral ~ And Annabelle is beyond words > Adorable! What a little gift of beauty ~ thanks, happy week to you both ~ carol, xxx

This is sensational – really love this piece. It’s simple yet it says so much, very effective.

This is beautiful! perhaps I should make one in fabric sometime this month, but of course I am bound to love every one of your artworks and then my ufos would never be finished.
Love it

I love May Sarton so much. I visited her grave in Nelson, NH once when I was visiting my daughter at Smith College! I can literally feel the grief in your painting. I love it. I know it… grief, sometimes too intimately, I think… and then I realize art like yours and like Sarton’s works to help us all process our own moments of grieving.

Oh my is this so beautiful!! I’m so glad to be here and get to know you and your amazing art!! I have never heard of this quote before but love it and the painting fits it.

Leah, seeing little Annabelle there made me smile so BIG!! I’m so happy she is doing this painting and learning with you. I wish so much I had done this with my kids back then. She will love being creative just like her mom.

I’m enjoying this AEDM so much, trying to keep it light and fun and not stress. So far so good! Thanks again for sharing.

This is beautiful. So simple yet so touching. It goes so well with the wonderful poem.

Unlike some commenters above, I found this beautiful work of art very complex. From the sky to the raindrops to the central figure who has obviously put down many grieving roots, this spoke well of the poem representing the grief this gal felt. This is one very powerful piece.

Annabelle looks right at home with paint, too. Looks like you have a budding artist in the making.

Thank you so much for hosting this event. It is so much fun to visit and see what artists I would normally not visit, are making and sharing.

A gorgeous piece and a sweet, lovely little girl who gets to explore creativity with her mom. How special is that!

Wow, you portrayed that quote awesomely in your painting! Beautiful. And I love how involved Annabelle seems to be with her own painting.

Amazing piece of art, Leah!

Leah this gave me goosebumps- I think you’ve interpreted the poem so beautifully. And the poignancy of having little Annabel there as you paint.. gah! x

Oh Leah
I really believe in synchronicity. Your painting is just what I needed for someone who was in the hospital today and the text is very apt was well! I also like aedm very much, I feel I already completed more things of my ‘maybe someday list’ than I did in the past year, and there are some items left for the other days of this month. THANK YOU!

I adore your artwork Leah. You captured the poem beautifully. What a joy to watch Annabelle being creative too!

OMG! I LOVE this painting! And it is SO perfect for the quote! I am really in awe of your ability to do a new painting every day.

Oh what special moments! Your painting is special and beautiful Leah.

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