Day 28: Sitting on the Moon

November 28th, 2015

Part One: Today I'll share a bit of my process, just for fun. Although, sometimes I just start painting and see where it goes and sometimes the idea is more developed, today I had this little seed of an idea to start with. I doodled it on the corner of a grocery list I was writing at the crack of dawn and later I  tore it off and brought it into my art space as my inspiration.

Part 2: Working with wet water color paper and my inspiration doodle nearby, I started adding purple fluid acrylic paint, letting it drip from the top. I started to see the moon shape right away, but the figure looked more like a back of a figure than a front, so that changed the image for me.

Part 3: I sketched out the new image I saw in the painting to get a sense of where it was going.

Part 4: Finished up the image with more acrylic paint, watercolor pencils, and ink.


One Response

Thanks for sharing the process – I love learning from folks in this way!

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