Art Every Day Month Day #1

November 1st, 2018

Hooray! It's day one of Art Every Day Month! If you have a link to share, use the Mr. Linky widget below. If not, use the comments to share what you're up to! Remember a few things as you begin this journey. All forms of creativity are welcome! Share your drawing, cooking, sewing, photography, writing, dancing, whatever! If you miss a day, don't let it stop you, just get back to it! And have fun! 

You can sign up for Art Every Day Month anytime right here! If you're sharing on social media use the hashtag #arteverydaymonth2018 to connect! If you're on Facebook, join the Facebook group here as another place to share. 

5 Responses

It’s been a quite a few years since I’ve shared in AEDM. I removed my blog Brain Angles – Invisible Ink a few years back. Many changes in my life, but I’m still enjoying creative distraction, so thought I’d participate in AEDM again. Thanks Leah.

Stay inspired!

[...] November, it’s time to remember that I am a creative soul and no way better to do that than Art Every Day Month, an amazing creation of Leah Piken Kolidas that I have participated in here, on this blog, since [...]


I thought I had your site linked on my blog hop page but I didn’t see it this morning. Anyhow, I’m going to get it added back on my page. Is this a daily challenge? I know I asked once upon a time but I don’t retain information very sometimes. I hope to join in as time permits, though. Thanks for visiting. ;)

Yes! Daily for 30 days, but it’s low pressure, so if you miss a day, don’t stress. :-)

Ok, we’re off :)

I would have posted earlier, but Mr Linky doesn’t seem to like Instagram :(

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