Art for days 2 and 3

November 3rd, 2021

Day 3. Fall.


Day 2: Moon Meeting

Both pieces are acrylic and ink on paper. 

5 Responses

So different – but both so lovely.

Both Ethereal ~ beautiful ~ I LOVE looking at the Moon. When my husband was away from home on trips, I could say look at the Moon, and he would and I would Look at it too and know our eyes were upon the same bright globe in the Starlit sky and connected to one another. Now he sees it from Heaven at the same moment I am looking at it from earth , still connected across the Starlit sky ~

They are both stunning, Leah, but I like Moon Meeting for every reason: the colors, the concentric lines around the moon, the moon with its clouds, and the girl in the boat. Simply amazing and beautiful.

Both are beautiful, I love your style, they are very graceful and dreamy..

Ah I found your art, now I think I’m getting the hang of this though I am working backwards lol. I love the lady with the trees, very beautiful. Happy day 2 and 3 Elle/EOTC xx

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