Creativity & the Body with Jamie Ridler

January 8th, 2010

I'm so grateful that i was able to have this conversation with Jamie Ridler about creativity and the body! When I first asked Jamie to chat with me about this theme, I wasn't sure exactly why. I knew she taught Nia and loved to dance, but Jamie's work doesn't center around the body. I just had a feeling that she'd have some particularly juicy things to share on the topic and boy, was I right! I hope you enjoy our chat below, which you can listen to here or right-click (ctrl-click on a Mac) to download and listen to later.

Click here to listen

Some juicy things to think about: What's one thing about your body that you're feeling grateful for today? What's one, tiny thing you do every day that you can do today with awareness and pleasure?

You can find out more about Jamie on her website where she blogs, leads groups (like the Full Moon Dreamboard groups Wishcasting Wednesdays, and super fun Next Chapter book groups), has a great podcast, and offers beautiful products (like Your Creative Spark and the brand new Soul Reflections course.) She's on Twitter too as @starshyne. Thank you, Jamie!!

Update: Sorry about the recording snafu! It's all fixed now!

25 Responses


When I control-click on the link I get an error message from my downloading program.

And when I just click on the link, I get a page that says “You are in the wrong place”.


I also get a “file not found” for the audio. But the time I spent at her site was a real gift! Thanks so much.

Today, I am grateful for how strong my body is. It carries me through a physically demanding work day, exercise, and a brisk walk with my dogs. It rarely complains, except when I push it too hard. I can count on my body to manage the load of a hectic life with grace.

I am grateful for my spine and how wonderful it feels when I choose to stand up straight and tall when I walk…makes me feel regal…kind of like a Queen. ;)

Had the same problem with Jamie’s recording. Will check back later.
Happy Friday, beautiful Girl !

Hi Leah, Thank you for sharing this, I’m at work now but I’m looking forward to reading all about it. I realize lately, that I get so busy with my external world that I don’t pay attention to my body.
I really need to visit your blog more often : )
Thanks again

Hi guys! I wrote in the mp3 file incorrectly earlier (oops!), but it’s all fixed now. Enjoy!

i’m SO grateful for all things my WRISTS do for me!! see my post today. :)

Thanks for the fix! A great reminder to be grateful for the body we are! In fact, when I look at my inadvertent tattoo and remember that I AM an artist–it’s always with gratitude and joy!

how crazy that we both fell on our tailbones this week! i know more people who’ve had falls recently! :) at least they are happening in funny ways. happy healing to you, my friend.

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by HiroBoga, chris Zydel. chris Zydel said: RT @starshyne: I had this totally awesome conversation w/ @leah_art yesterday abt creativity & the body. Check it out: [...]

Jamie is a light!

Thank you for sharing this with us Leah!

awwwwww i loved listening to this! what a treat.
i go to a “dance your prayers” workshop every month that is SO AMAZING and i definitely leave that workshop feeling filled with creativity and possibility and love for my body and my whole being.

This got me thinking about fluidity, not only of the potential in the body at any given time, but how it can shift over the course of a life. Keeping a loving relationship with a body that is changing or sick is different than with one that has unappreciated characteristics. There are lessons from one that can help the other though.

What a wonderful conversation, There is a book about there called Love Your body, can’t remember the author but basically in the shower or putting on lotion you say I love you to every part of your body. Its pretty powerful.

I do a free-form dance once a week with a group of women, we all love it. I need to find a way to do it more often as it really makes me feel good all over.

Today I am grateful that my body feels good enough so I can make Art.

Love hearing two of my favorite creative soul sisters talk about one of my most favorite topics! xoxo, Silky

Thank you, thank you! What a wonderful interview! Recently
I’ve had a few leg and back problems, and it made me realize how we take our wonderful bodies for granted when they work as expected. Being aware and grateful is so important! I’d love to try Nia–sounds like so much fun.

Both of you have so much wisdom to share.

Wonderful interview and links Leah.

Love the focus on body, creativity and being in the universe at this moment.

Because of a few things – My body is going through right now, I am doing meditation, deep breathing and yoga. I am becoming more aware of my body – each and every day.

Thanks Leah and Jamie.

I have noticed that if I am very aware of my breathing when I practice calligraphy that it brings a new dimension to each brush stroke… Immediately I am what I am doing and only where I am at that moment. I too thank my body. You have inspired me again. Tomorrow I shall run in the snow

I forgot to say – I’m ever so thankful I have a strong body that is virtually never ill. And I thank Jamie for her choice of life path – I can imagine she motivates thousands. Thousands more people with a vision, who feel good about themselves makes the world a better place.

Thank you thank you!

I will be more mindful more often…saying thank you to my body!

Thank you, this is so powerful.

Today I’m thankful that back is no longer hurting. I injured my back right before the holidays, and now it is finally back to normal. It is so interesting how we don’t appreciate good health until a small thing happens and it affects everything. I couldn’t even bend over without being in pain. So I am now more appreciative of what a “good” body means–good health.

Hi Leah,
Thanks for sharing that inspiring interview w/Jamie. I love her! I am thankful for my body’s wisdom, intelligence and healing power – I let go and let it reign. I am thankful that I am healing now.

That was great,I need to be reminded to be aware of my body.And Thank my Body for all it does for me.

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