
January 3rd, 2008

I love to doodle. The margins of most paper I get a hold of seems to always get covered in some little drawing, pattern, scribble or list.

Last night, I had the pleasure of listening in on a free coaching call with Jill Badonsky, author of The Nine Modern Day Muses (and a Bodyguard). I get Jill's newsletter (which I totally love for its creative ideas and sense of humor) and that's how I found out about this somewhat last minute call involving guided visualization and writing around starting your New Year with creative magic. I signed up for it on a whim not really knowing what to expect and I'm so glad I did! Jill has a very soothing voice and a lot to share. She was open and humble, funny and sweet and I enjoyed her method of visualization. I took some notes while listening in and I particularly enjoyed her way of looking at what had worked in the last year, how to continue that and how to appreciate and acknowledge where the good was already occurring. She also had a cool method of looking at making changes which she called the "5% rule." When looking to change something she suggests that instead of demanding a 100% turn around we can ask ourselves to make a 5% change. So, for example, if we don't like that we're not getting enough exercise in our life, we can look to include 5% more movement in our life. Much more manageable than a complete change, much more doable, and far easier to succeed. And it's so much easier to build upon success than it is to pull yourself up after failing to meet your high expectations. (I just noticed that the number 5 and the percent symbol (%) are the same key on the computer keyboard. Kinda cool, eh?) So, perhaps you can apply this method to creativity. If you're having trouble adding consistent art-making and creativity in your life, see if you can infuse your life with 5 percent more creativity or 5% more art. I like this idea along with the CED challenge because I don't want the challenge to be a source of stress. I'd like to be a source of fun and inspiration. So, if it's causing you stress, try out Jill's 5% rule.

During Jill's visualization in which we imagined ourselves in a meadow with a path in front of us, I saw these little birds carrying letters and keys at the bottom of long strings. I doodled them in the margins of my notes while I listened and after the call, I doodled in my life binder (keeper of lists) with colored pencils and made this:

I think it's super sweet. That's a bunny at the bottom in case it isn't clear in the image. Perhaps it will become a collage or painting later on. We shall see. In the meantime, I've got much to get to today, so I'm off!

Quick notes: in order to use the Creative Every Day button located in the sidebar (and below), simply right-click on the image and save it to your computer. Different blogging applications have different ways of adding images to your blog, but all have help sections which should be able to direct you to instructions on how to do it.

If you use typepad, I wrote a quickie tutorial for posting blog buttons for a different group here. And here's a tutorial from another blogger on adding a picture to your sidebar.

I'll be adding this info to the main Creative Every Day 2008 page, so you can find it if you need it! Happy creating! :-)

14 Responses

This was very inspirational and helpful! I will definitely apply the 5% rule from now on!

The 5 and the % on the same key would get me too! I love it.

The bunny picture IS super sweet. I wonder what is the meaning of the keys and envelopes?

Hi, Leah. After some initial “Oh… I can’t do something creative every day” thinking, reading your inspiring description of the concept allows me to think I can become more conscious of creative living, so can I sign up, please? Thank you, thank you for the spaces you create in which so many of us can grow. Blessings to you.

super sweet bunny & birds! my doodles never look quite so lovely. i love the 5% idea as a way of keeping the challenge low stress which is exactly my goal. i want more fun and less stress in ‘08!

super sweet bunny & birds! my doodles never look quite so lovely. i love the 5% idea as a way of keeping the challenge low stress which is exactly my goal. i want more fun and less stress in ‘08!

the 5% thought sounds so much more easier then changing 100% – I like the idea…simple!!
Love the bunnie…love the whole creation….very soft feeling…calm…I really like it!!!
Have a great evening!!!

Hi Leah – can you believe it’s been two years since we did Artist’s Way online? Anyway, I’d love to be a part of Creative Everyday – whatever that brings!

I missed Jill’s call. I love her work, her writing and everything. My last post was taken from Jill’s January 2007 newsletter. She’s the BOMB!!

Kisses to you!

the five percent idea seems very sane, especially during this week of facing one’s resolutions…

i love to doodle too. i don’t watch a lot of tv, but when i do i always watch tv with my sketchbook in my lap. i know it’s wierd, but it works for me.

Sweet bunny…so soft and hopeful!

I still haven’t figured out how to add a photo (vs. a widget) in my Vox sidebar…

I’m enjoying the creative challenge thus far and have experimented with photos and poetry in recent posts, so thanks for getting this idea going. Yesterday I did Haiku Friday on both of my blogs. What fun!

Although I had no trouble adding the Logo to my sidebar in Blogger, I’ve been playing unsuccessfully for almost a week now to get the logo to LINK to the challenge site the way Olivia’s does. I’ll keep trying, but if anyone has a solution for me I’d be grateful. The LINK to Blogger for Dummies offers the same method I used, but doesn’t address the issue bothering me right now.
Hugs and blessings,

Thank you for sharing the “5% rule” and offering a link to Jill Badonsky!

Oh…I love the bunny doodle! Can we work a trade or something for a print of it? It just had a lot of special meaning for me…and I need to hang it in my studio! Love, Wyanne

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