Random Acts of Kindness

November 21st, 2008

"One kind word can warm three winter months" –Japanese Proverb

Random acts of kindness. That's the theme of Soul Coaching today. You see it a lot on the internet, called RAK for short. And what an amazing place the blogging world can be for spreading the message about a need and watching the kindness of others who jump at the chance to help out.

Today, Patti Digh at 37 Days is spreading the word about Glen Edward Chapman, a man who was found innocent and released after being in prison for 15 years, and yet he was given no assistance for his re-entry into the world. From the News & Observer: "He was released from death row with 10 minutes' notice, one outfit, no counseling, no money and no assistance from the state after being incarcerated for over 15 years for crimes he did not commit." Patti has pointed out how you can help this man, by writing a letter to the Governer of North Carolina asking that he give Glen Edward Chapman an official pardon of innocence so that he may receive compensation for the 15 years that he lost in prison to help him get back on his feet again.

Looking for other ways to connect with kindness?

  • Operation Nice is a blog all about how a little niceness goes a long way.
  • A super cute Something Nice poster you can download and post in your community. 
  • Try putting a quarter in a parking meter that has expired and save a stranger from a parking ticket!
  • Leave little love notes for others to find.
  • Visit the Random Acts of Kindness organization for ideas and inspiration. 
  • Send a special note to someone.
  • Smile. :-)
  • Write an inspiring message in chalk on the sidewalk.

I'm imagining send loads of love out to all of you today. Do you feel it? I actually love doing that. Even before I studied Reiki, I used to imagine a sort of loving energy emanating from me at certain times. I first tried it at my cousin's funeral and then sometimes on a crowded train that seemed like it needed some love. It's a lovely practice to try out, even if like me, you are a bit skeptical about these things. It can never hurt to try and send the love out there and it does feel fabulous too.

I'm off for now. I'll be back this evening with some artwork!

13 Responses

Thanks for all the good ideas and links.

Wonderful post! And thanks for all the great links, Leah! I very much enjoyed today’s Soul Coaching lesson. As my random act of kindness for the day, I’m hosting a giveaway of the small painting I did for the day’s lesson. It ends November 30th so leave a comment on this post if you are interested. http://artbyserena.blogspot.com/2008/11/random-act-of-kindness-giveaway.html

love, light and peace

Thank you so much for the love today! I desperately needed it!

I’m so sorry I’ve been a little absent posting comments here… I’m going to have more web access to different blogs soon :)

Luv to you hunny!

Everyday I think we should wake up and ask ourselves, “What can I do for someone else today?”

Great post.

Isn’t the world wonderful and now we have more ways to be connected.

Coffee is on.

I’m so going to do this. Thank you!

I totally believe in sending out loving energy. It is a scientific proven fact that energy can make a difference. Thank you for doing that. The world needs more people doing this.

Thank you for all the other inspiration.

Peaceful gifts…. Your post reminds me of my loctician Evette. She gives so much. She is about sending love and light. Thanks for spreading the love and light. I will pay it forward.

sending peace and love right back at you!

i’v been practicing reiki for many years now and even before loved the concept of sending out love, to specific people to the world… who knows what it really does, but it definitly can’t hurt!

love this post and these links. thank you!

hi again! i had wanted to share a link with you but couldn’t find it… and now i have. so here it is.

it’s for hope revo, a beautiful project of leaving positive notes for strangers to find… http://www.hoperevo.com/

i totally think that’s what mandalas, and for that matter, the act of creating itself, is about — sending out rays of energetic light and healing every time we make new art. great post thanks.

I feel the love! Do you feel it radiating back at you? :)

What a great post! There’s a group that’s trying to change the world this holiday with random acts of kindness. To learn more check out http://www.thegiftrevolution.com

Happy Thanksgiving!

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