Art Every Day Month 2014!

October 2nd, 2014

Art Every Day Month is once again right around the corner! Every year for over ten years now, I have been creating daily for the month of November and inviting others to join in. It is a low pressure challenge for anyone who wants to challenge themselves to create daily for a month. Low pressure means, if you miss a day, brush yourself off, and get back to it. No worries. By art, I'm talking broadly. So you could be cooking, taking pictures, writing music, crafting for the holidays, painting, sculpting, writing poetry, making jewelry, sewing, knitting, art journaling, you name it. You could decide to do a small 2"x2" drawing each day or you could do something different every day. Up to you! I tend to do more drawing and painting because that's what I like, but you can follow your heart. 

Every day I'll post a place to share a link to what you're creating (if you have a blog or flickr account), or you can simply talk about what you're up to in the comments. I'll be posting my creations daily here and if you follow me on instagram (leah_art), then you may see them there too. If you're on instagram you can use the hashtag #aedm2014. 

Read more about the challenge here and then sign up here. The challenge begins November 1st! This year will be particularly challenging for me with a newborn and a toddler underfoot, but I am going to do my best! 

I won't be offering the Survival Guide this year, but it will return in 2015! 

8 Responses

This sounds like lots of fun and I have signed up with Mr. Linky

Are you offering last year’s Survival Guide? Is it available?
The link goes to a PayPal page…but since you say you aren’t offering it, I thought to ask.


I don’t know why AEDM is so successful since it’s at the start of such a busy season for everyone…but it just is! Maybe it’s a way of relieving pre-holiday stress? I managed to post something creative every day last year and though I’ll TRY again this year, there are no promises! I alway look forward to challenging myself to this monumental creative “gauntlet” Leah throws down each year. She is sadistic and clever and we love her for pushing us to be our creative best at least for this one month out of the year. So come on, creatives…let’s get on the bus! The world won’t fall apart if you don’t post every day but if you do….what a boost of spirit you’ll get! =)

I haven’t created anything for weeks, I just haven’t been in the mood.
This may be just the push I need……..

Noooovember, yes! This is what my collage habit need. Count me in, it was a while since I joined last, but last year I did a 365 project so it was.. superfluous then? :)

Yay! I’ve missed the last couple years of AEDM, but I’m so excited to participate again this time.

Thanks for keeping it going all this time, Leah. I think the first time I participated was 7 or 8 years ago – I know it was when I lived in Zurich, so that’s two countries ago.

Really looking forward to this!! It’s always a fresh start for me!!

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