Ahhh…Deep breath

February 23rd, 2007

My stomach has finally started to settle down. Much better. So, let's do something fun shall we? This is from the Getting To Know You Day on Cac. I wanted to wait til I had wittier answers or at least a favorite word to share, but oh well. Thanks to Swampgrrl for the fun questions!

1. What is your favorite word? I don't have a favorite word. I like the word inspiration.

2. What is your least favorite word? Again, can't think of anything. I guess there are  a lot of words I don't like when used in certain contexts, like the c word.

3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Creatively: I'm inspired by color, paintings by Rothko, art of Rauchenberg, Frida Kahlo, reading memoirs, blogs. Spiritually: Stained glass, the ocean, being in nature, the stars. Emotionally: feeling heard, beautiful music, poetry, soft blankets, gentleness.

4. What turns you off? Aggresive behavior, angry tone of voice, arrogance.

5. What is your favorite curse word? Uh, I don't know...I use shit-burger a lot. I also like ass-hat, but I don't use that one often.

6. What sound or noise do you love? Purring, rain on the roof at night.

7. What sound or noise do you hate? Loud eating, chewing, or slurping...big pet peeve.

8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Children's book author/illustrator

9. What profession would you not like to do? financial analyst

10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "Welcome Home, babe! I've got a cup of cocoa waiting for you!"

Also, the beautiful Vedrana sent me a book for the book swap and I received it today all the way from Croatia! How cool!! I'll definitely use the stamps in a collage! Vedrana sent me a beautiful letter on purple paper explaining her choice which was Spirits of the Dead: Tales and Poems by Edgar Allen Poe. It has been so long since I read Poe that this was a wonderful surprise. It was funny, when I picked up the book, I had a quick flash of memorizing the poem, "Annabel Lee," for a poetry reading contest in elementary school. I'd completely forgotten that and holding the book brought the memory rushing back. Even then I was drawn to his dark, dreamy, romantic poetry.

Tonight, I spent a good chunk of time reading poems from the book while the fiansor watched the Knicks play. Poe has a beautiful way with words. Vedrana also included a beautiful handmade bookmark and pictures of a dress she made to go along with a project she did about Poe, connecting literature with fashion. I was so impressed! Vedrana, I loved your choice, I feel so grateful to have a book of poetry that has touched your heart so deeply! Thanks again!

15 Responses

Your book sounds great! Getting surprises in the mail is awesome!

Sean tells me I chew loud and it drives him crazy!

shit burger! oh grrl, i like that one. can i use it too?

you named 2 my favorite painters … Rothko (he did things with color that no person had done before. i can look at his paintings 24/7) and miss Frida … i’d love to hang out with her.

i hate cow-chewers!!

Hello Leah-

I just checked out your work and it is magnificent! Whimsy and free. I just spent the past two days catching up to the group in Finding Water. I LOVE this book and am psyched to be part of this! I definitely share your least fave job – numbers are a BIG drag.

ass-hat is a favorite, I also like tool. (= this was a great list and a fun read. ok, off to do my morning/journal pages…..no more procrastinating!

I’d love to be an author/illustrator of children’s book myself. In fact many of your answers resonated for me as well. Thanks for letting us get to know you a little better. And I hope you’re contining to feel better!

p.s. I love your painting of the crows – gorgeous!

shitburger! ass hat! where have i been? thanks for hipping me to those gems.

i love poe. i would love to see the poe-inspired dress. thanks for the vicarious inspiration. and speaking of book sharing, i am loving the sonia choquette you sent me! thank you so much. and thanks for the lovely comment today. xo

Nice to hear from you. Please feel free to add me and I shall do the same in turn. I grew up in the great State of Massachusetts and was there last weekend, actually. Off to create! – Ei

Loved your answers! And Poe! I love E.A.Poe..

Leah- I’m oh so happy you are feeling better. Some of my favorite sounds are purring and rain on the roof too. Thankfully, I get to hear both quite often. I hope you do to.

I am so with you on your pet peeve! It kind of made me giggle when I read it because I could just hear those eating sounds!

It was fun to read your answers and wonderful to hear that you’re starting to feel better. And what a treat to get your book – yay!

Love these. I always enjoy hearing James Lipton’s version of them on Inside the Actor’s Studio (which are apparently a version of someone else’s, and his are supposed to have been adapted from a questionairre that originated with marcel proust …). ( http://senselist.com/2006/09/06/the-questionnaires-of-james-lipton-bernard-pivot-and-marcel-proust/ ) It always cracks me up to hear all happenin’ actors of the day produce so many variations on the theme of “fuck” for question #5. (love yours too!) :)

Some of your answers really struck a chord with me too. Rain on the roof is a favorite of mine! Hope you get more chances to indulge in your creative side.

OMW I LOVE your cuss words!!!!!! Hahaha they are too cool!

Leah, you sooooo rock. Thanks for making me smile. :)

“ass-hat” Hehehehehe, may I borrow that one?

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