Entries from: December 2007


December 6th, 2007, Comments (6)

I've got a new post over at the Blue Tree Blog featuring some of the new goodies I've got up on my art website.

Feeling sleepy, but good. Going to get a much needed haircut today. Ah, bliss. There's nothing like getting your hair washed and pampered.

I saw a commercial for this kid's toy recently which made me feel old. lol. I saw it and thought, when I was a kid, we made art with paper and crayons. (now imagine that said in a granny voice). But I was also thinking, what a cool toy idea! It looked like so much fun! Of course they would make a digital art studio for kids! Why not? Kids will grow up knowing how to do things with computers that will boggle our minds. I just hope I'm not as inept as my parents are about computers or whatever it is when I have kids. Heh.

Got new Subway Stories pieces in the works and lots of holiday prepping to do, so toodaloo for now!

Wellness Wednesday: Think Small

December 5th, 2007, Comments (11)

Although, I've been learning this year how to think and dream big, thinking small is still important. It's easy to forget sometimes that larger tasks get finished one baby step at a time. The same holds true for creating art. Sometimes creating can seem daunting and overwhelming, but it doesn't need to be that way. When the urge to create strikes, you might not have the time or interest in doing something big, so you might stop in your tracks and go no further. If you want to get back on the creative choo-choo train, try doing something small.

Last night, I was watching Project Runway Canada (episodes on You Tube) and it was getting the creative juices flowing in my head, so I grabbed what was literally within my reach: standard sized index cards and a calligraphy style pen that was almost out of ink (and leaked its remaining ink on my hand.) Doing something light and fun on a small canvas like this can be fun and inspiring. I simply played, doodled, made shapes and went from there. Knowing that any or all of them could end up as trash or things to be collaged or a sketch for a future piece, helps me to let go of any fears that might be holding me back. And I love these little fashionistas! They were much fun to do.

The back of business card are also great mini canvases to use. They're certainly easy to carry in your purse or pocket and are readily available for small moments of creative fun.

So, that's my Wellness Wednesday tip for this week. When the world gets overwhelming, slow down and start small.


December 4th, 2007, Comments (9)

Today was busy, busy. Trying to ship art out this time of year is nutty! Everyone is sending out gifts or buy gifts and it feels super hectic every where. I also worked on putting together and figuring out a new mat cutting device I got recently, did a little bit of picking up, matted and framed a print, wrote some emails, prepped some new panels, and put two coats of matte varnish on the Subway Stories piece I was working on during Art Every Day Month. The pic isn't fantastic, but I can't scan it til it's completely dry. Here it is anyways. I'm calling it "South Station" and it's 1o"x10" with paper collage, ink and acrylic on panel.

I made a small change on the blog that I wanted to point out. I've made a new "page" on the blog for links. I realized my link list is not only not current with all the blogs I read (I use Bloglines to keep track of the far too many blogs that I keep track of), but it's also so long that it goes on way past the point of posts. So, I made a page which has a link called, "Links" (creative genius there, I know) up near the top of my sidebar. I've put a list of links there that used to be on the sidebar and I've also kept the list of the 2007 Art Every Day Month participants up there. I'd love for the link list to be organized in a different fashion, but it'll do for now.

So, I know I tend to slow down in the art production department after Art Every Day Month, but as many of you discovered, it is indeed a challenge to make and post something every day and I usually need a little break afterwards, not a long break mind you, but a break still. I can tell you that over the weekend, I enjoyed the luxury of lounging on the couch and reading a novel (which I haven't done much of lately) and it was wonderful. Sometimes, when you're doing a lot of output, it's good to take some time to fill the well. I've also done a little doodling in my sketchbook. Last night, I drew the girl in the scarf and the phoenix-like bird. And tonight while I waited for gesso to dry, I pulled out markers I'd bought for a photo album and drew a silly sketch of the cat on the bed with me at the time. It was fun to just play. 

I've been a bit anti-social in the last couple weeks (Thanksgiving gave me people overload) and I'm feeling the need to push myself out into society a little bit. Holing up like a bear during winter isn't good for me for very long. Even just going to the post office today was good for me. I'm also really needing to get my butt back in gear with some exercising. As unmotivated as I can feel about getting moving when the world gets colder and darker,  working to keep my winter blues to a minimum is so much better for my mind, body and soul. Self-care-city, here I come!

Holiday Cheer

December 2nd, 2007, Comments (11)

Today, my plans were side-railed by a monster migraine that has kept me in bed in the dark all day. I was feeling all bummed out and achey when I first came out of the bedroom in the early evening, but then I read about the sweetest challenge on Jen Lemen's blog. The challenge is called "25 Days to Make a Difference" in which Laura remembers how her grandpa made a difference in her life by making a difference in the lives of others every day for 25 days. The blog she created for this project has apparently created quite a response and even more amazing is the fact that Laura is only 10 years of age! This made my heart melt. And it made me think about ways in which I can make a difference in small and large ways during the holiday season...things like buying handmade products or making my own gifts for the holidays, bring bags of my own to the grocery store instead of using the bags the store has, donating warm clothing I don't use to the Salvation Army, etc...

Speaking of buying handmade. Check these out:

-I recently lucked out and won a gorgeous pair of earrings in a  "Free Bling Friday" giveaway from Kelly of Happy Shack Designs.  I wore them out to the basketball game on Thursday and loved the way they caught the light.

- Wyanne, one of the wonderful artists I met through Art Every Day Month this year, is having a special online art event on December 7th at 7 pm EST. She had loads of wonderful art to sell, so be sure to check that out! 

- I've mentioned before that my art is featured on Trunkt an online lookbook for artists and designers. Members can put together a group of products under a theme, called a showcase. I've put one together called "December Chill" which you can see here. Be warned, there's so many beautiful things on Trunkt, you could be swept away for hours!

- Jes of Junque Revival is giving away wonderful vintage music with purchases from $18 - $34 and for purchases over $35 she's giving a free art ephemera pack (which looks so cool!) Jes makes wonderful jewelry using vintage items ( love this one!) Do check it out!

- Design Sponge has a great guide to handmade shopping here. Be sure to check out all their other gift guides while you're there!

- And of course, be sure to check out my art website while you're doing your holiday shopping! :-)

- There are so many wonderful artists online, so be sure to look around for wonderful holiday shopping opportunities. If you've got a special sale going on this month or anything else worth mentioning, feel free to leave a comment. I'd love to hear about them!

Update: I just realized that this is my 200th post on this blog! I've had a few different blogs through the years (I've been blogging since 2001) and this blog is fairly young in comparison to some of them (it'll be all of 1 year old on Tuesday), but I've loved blogging here, the places it has taken me, and the people I've met along the way. In celebration of my 200th post, I'd like to give away a little something to the first 5 people to comment on this post. Woohoo! :-)