July 8th, 2008
1. Tully and Leah, 2. Spagetti, 3. Masconomet's grave, 4. Is blue orange?, 5. Matthew Fox 08, 6. The Real Thing, 7. The Blowhole, 8. chocolate ice cream, 9. Step by step… steadily ♫♫, 10. Smile , 11. Damrak - Amsterdam, 12. Be Creative Every Day
Above is a fun flickr meme that I've seen floating around the internets, most recently at the abode of bluepoppy. I was in need of a little distraction this morning after being up all night with a sick kitty and then waiting to take her to the vet first thing. Not sure what's wrong yet. Fingers and toes and everything else crossed that she's o.k. Anyways, here's the idea behind the meme:
- Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr search.
- Using only the first page, choose an image.
- Copy and paste each of the URL’s into the mosaic maker over at FD's image maker.
The questions:
What is your first name?
What is your favorite food?
What high school did you attend?
What is your favorite color?
Who is your celebrity crush?
Favorite drink?
Dream vacation?
Favorite dessert?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What do you love most in life?
One word to describe you.
Your Flickr name
Good fun with images and much less messy than collage making. Heh.
Yesterday I received this nifty neato award from Bee at Witchetty and Patti from Altered Attic. Thank you so much ladies! It was a much needed boost after all the tears I've been shedding about Sadie. I'm not feeling up to choosing people to pass the award on to. There are loads of great blogs in my sidebar and on the links page to check out though! With that, I'm heading to bed for a nap and a Sadie snuggle. Hopefully she'll feel better soon. Please send some good kitty healing vibes her way!
17 Responses
I’m sending the kitty healing vibes! *HUGE RUSH OF HEALING VIBES BEING SENT YOUR WAY*
Oohh, this collage thingy makes me think I should really start a flikr account. I haven’t yet *tisk, tisk* But this would be so much fun! I’m off to go look more at your collage with the list for reference!
Posted by: Julia | Jul 8, 2008 at 4:40 pm |
thanks for the meme tips! i have been wanting to try out photo collaging and this was the perfect way to start. you can find mine over at lucy creates
hoping kitty makes a swift recovery. i have been huddled close to my golden retriever who turned 13 yesterday. they make such great pals!!!
Posted by: lucy | Jul 8, 2008 at 6:31 pm |
Hi Leah! I finally have my butterfly post up I made with paint blots like you suggested in your “Juggling Act” post before the holiday. That was so much fun! Thanks for the idea.
Posted by: becky aka theRAV | Jul 8, 2008 at 6:45 pm |
Hope kitty, Sadie, gets well soon.
Posted by: Shayla | Jul 8, 2008 at 7:50 pm |
Your blog is very inspiring. I’m new to art blogging and would love to be a “Creative Everyday – 2008″ participant!
Posted by: Nicole | Jul 8, 2008 at 11:55 pm |
Oooh, congrats on the award, dear Leah! Well deserved.
Posted by: Design for Mankind | Jul 9, 2008 at 2:48 am |
Great Flickr meme! I’ve done a meme mosaic too
So sorry to hear about your kitty. I wish her well and hope she is already feeling better.
Posted by: Chantal | Jul 9, 2008 at 4:08 am |
Excellent mosaic – I already tried this one and it was a complete flop! So you are clearly luckier than me in this respect (I’ve just blogged about luck).
I absolutely love that photo you chose for your name.
I do hope your kitty is recovering. I used to have a great aunt Sadie… and if your cat is anything like my great aunt she’ll recover but be a fussy eater…
Really and truly wishing your kitty well.
Posted by: Caroline | Jul 9, 2008 at 8:41 am |
oh i hope all is well with your sadie kitty. i am sending up a prayer just for her. we have a chubby grey sadie here…my daughter named her sadie sevadah wilson mae…
and my daughter just walked over and i told her about your sadie—she has sent up a prayer also…prayers from 8 years old are very powerful so i just know sadie will be better soon!
Posted by: tricia | Jul 9, 2008 at 8:49 am |
Your mosaic, like your blog, is brilliant, Leah!
Sending many, many healing get well wishes to your Sadie, and many, many ((hugs)) to you, Leah. Julian of Norwich’s words always seem to comfort me, when I’m worried, I’ll pass them on to you, in hopes that they will help – all will be well, and all will be well, and all manner of things will be well~XOXO
Posted by: tinker | Jul 9, 2008 at 10:02 am |
You totally inspired me to do this one. Even though the technological hurdles were nearly deadly. I pretty much got it in, although I can’t get the references in for some reason. I will keep trying throughout the night.
I still think I did something wrong, but oh well, if the link goes away in a few days, we’ll just have to figure something else out.
Posted by: rowena | Jul 9, 2008 at 5:34 pm |
Oh sweetie, I am SO sorry to hear about your baby!! Please let me know when you find out whats going on. Hopefully it is something as little as an upset tummy because of a mouse or something (that recently happend to my guy).
P.S your meme rocked.
Posted by: andrea | Jul 9, 2008 at 6:45 pm |
Hi Leah! Glad you liked my paint dots post and what I came up with. That meant a lot coming from you. I have another blogger friend who has a great scrapbooking blog. She recently posted a lot of things from her archives of things on her computer. There women painted ON BOOKS which I really liked. Check out the link…
Posted by: becky aka ~theRAV~ | Jul 9, 2008 at 6:58 pm |
Hi Leah!
I loved your mosaic so much i just had to make my own of this too. I followed on your meme here. Check out my blog to see how it turned out
Posted by: Dale | Jul 10, 2008 at 1:03 am |
Hello again, just dropping back to say that I’m giving you an honorary “Brilliante Weblog” too. You deserve it!
Posted by: Shayla | Jul 10, 2008 at 10:00 am |
My fingers and toes are crossed for Sadie too.
That is a great mosaic.
Posted by: Miriam | Jul 10, 2008 at 1:04 pm |
oh I LOVE it– my fave is the green coca cola glass– the whole thing ROCKS! Sending love and good wishes to Sadie that she feels better soon!!
Posted by: Elizabeth | Jul 10, 2008 at 8:20 pm |