Entries Tagged as: art for sale


July 2nd, 2007, Comments (16)

I'm slowly climbing through the tasks that lay before me in the months leading up to my wedding. By the way, a big congratulations to Staz on her recent wedding and to Jana on her engagement! Seems to be in the air.

Today I had my first wedding dress fitting. I was nervous about it, but it went fine. My stomach paid the price for my anxiousness though. Uck.  It was no big deal though, just a long drive, then some time to pick out a pair of shoes (I found a very pretty pair of white silk strappy shoes with a little bit of sparkle on the buckle around the ankle and that's it. If I find a pic later, I'll post it.), and then into the proper undergarments (a long line bra and a slip), up on a pedestal and then pinned by a sweet woman who asked me questions about this and that. Next time, not for another month, we'll work on the bustle.

I was up so early and got home tired and hungry. I may just squeeze in a nap. In the meantime, here's one of those art pieces I mentioned that I was working on. It's 8"x8", cradled wood with acrylic and a bit of collage. I had a lot of fun with this one, played a lot with texture and working up the background in layers and fun techniques. This image seems to be connected to a lot of the other ones lately. None of the sketches had ladders in them, but as the painting came into being, a ladder wanted to be there, so I went with it. Fainter ladders are also in the sky, reminding me of a ladder in a much earlier painting. And a bucket appeared in her hands, like the one in "Catching Stars." Here's a detail for you:

There seems to be a narrative forming, but I don't know what it is precisely, I'm trying not to pin it down and just let it flow out as it will. It does seem to be a journey of some kind though.

I hope your weekend was a lovely one and your week is full of beauty and creativity!

Update: Found a pic of the shoes. Not what I had originally pictured myself wearing at all...which seems to be a theme with this wedding. If I saw these shoes in a picture and hadn't tried them on, I might think them plain, but they were just right. Plus, they're surprisingly comfortable and super sexy and they're simple and elegant and look fabulous with the dress. I'm not a heels wearing girl, so hopefully I won't regret it! I'm just going to have to break those suckers in before the big day. And I can play at being average height (or close to it) for a little while. Hehe.


Who? Who!

June 26th, 2007, Comments (2)

I think owls are totally adorable. This may be partly due to the fact that my kitty, Emma, looks so much like a big-eyed owl. Hehe. Anyways, I purchased a series of smaller canvases and I intend do do a bunch of smaller pieces this week and next for $100 each. "Purple Owl" will be up in my store shortly.

I took a side view shot, so you can see how it goes around the sides. It's about 6"x6" with acrylic and collage on canvas. Blue tissue paper has been collaged into the sky.

I heard from an old friend today and when I say old, I mean I've known her since I was teeny-tiny. We don't speak to eachother often, but it's nice to catch up. She was telling me about how her three cats are all different colors so she can't cheat and get furniture and clothes to match all the fur they shed. I wrote back about how my cat Tabbers, our fluffy orange boy cat, is the biggest shedding culprit and how it made me laugh to think about dressing and furnishing my space entirely in orange. I tried to picture it and it made me giggle. But it also made me think about how much orange I've been using in my art lately. In fact, my art website is currently based around an orange and blue theme.  I was never a huge fan of orange, but it seems lately that I've taken quite a liking to it. Then, I happened to click over to decor8 and was taken aback by all the orange. In a bit of synchronicity, Holly had posted a whole series on the color orange and its use in design on her blog today. I especially loved the orange pillows from Joom, and orange koi glasses from Anthropologie. I'm kinda crazy for pillows at the moment. Anyways, there's loads of orange inspiration! Yummy. It's making me crave an orange creamsicle.

Well, it seems like I may be slowly phasing out of the orange phase myself. I enjoyed working in dreamy purples last night. But one never knows. I follow my whims wherever they may lead (at least with color.) Ok, I've got loads of art to upload to the shop, so toodaloo for now!

Antevasin – Living at the Border

June 15th, 2007, Comments (18)

"Betwixt and Between" is 12"x12" with collaged elements and acrylic paint on cradled clayboard. I was up late last night working on this one because sometimes once I get started it's hard to stop. I even got up ridiculously early to finish it, varnish it and take a picture. I need to get into a better rhythm with art-making, so that I'm not always up in the middle of the night painting. Perhaps it has just been the feeling of the last few paintings that have made them want to come out at night. The fiansor calls the last three women (Winter Moon, The Lighthouse, and this one), Castlevania I, II, and III because the shape of the figure reminds him of a character on an old video game that he downloaded for his x-box awhile ago. Oy. But they're not at all related to that character.

I had a funny bit of synchronicity with this one. I was in bed sketching this image that kept popping into my head and then I opened up Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert (which I finished this week. Great book.) And there I read about the word she had chosen for herself, "antevasin," a sanskrit word meaning "one who lives at the border." Apparently, in ancient times this was a person who left the bustling city life to live at the edge of the forest where the spiritual masters dwelled. Gilbert relates to this word as one who is between worlds. And I laughed thinking of how the woman in my sketch was there at the edge of the forest, in between worlds.

In a comment regarding "The Lighthouse", Tammy mentioned the divine feminine, which she relates to "having gone into dark places and brought back what you found." This made me think of the story of Demeter and Persephone and resonated for me as I looked at that painting. Here in this new painting, the feeling is similar, of a guide that leads the way through the dark forest. She is an in-between figure. The idea of being betwixt and between reminds me of a passage from Rumi:

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
    Don't go back to sleep.
    You must ask for what you really want.
    Don't go back to sleep.
    People are going back and forth across the doorsill
    where the two worlds touch.
    The door is round and open.
    Don't go back to sleep.

The crow appeared in later sketches, as I was thinking about Jessie's question regarding a crow that speaks to me and my response. The crow is also an in-between worlds sort of character. And because the crow gave me the world "trust" I included that word in the collage near him. Oh, and Tammigirl, I used some of your collage elements in this one! Thank you! :-)

Tonight, I'm off to NYC for the fiansor's brother's wedding. I'm feeling totally anxious about it for some odd reason. I'm nervous for them (it's going to be a really wild wedding) and then there's just the general anxiety around travel and family events with large groups. But I also know it will be lots of fun. I hope your weekend is a wonderfully creative one!