The Chair

November 15th, 2009


Today I started just playing with paint again. This time the shapes I created spontaneously looked a bit like a chair in a room, so I brought it out. I'm not sure if the large rectangle next to it is a window or a painting, but I like that it could be either one.

How unusual for me to paint a chair! But this AEDM has been full of surprises for me.

Perhaps the chair came up because it's comforting, representing the comforts of being at home, with the hubster downstairs making chicken rubbed with ginger and garlic and an angel food cake that he saw Ming Tsai make this morning and decided he wanted to make too. Lucky me! :-)

Perhaps the chair represents something else. I'm not sure. The colors make me think of VanGogh's painting of his bedroom in Arles. Something may occur to me later if I let it sit awhile. Or it might not. Either way, I enjoyed painting it.

Some of you have mentioned being concerned with what you have or haven't accomplished this month so far. But remember that each day is a new opportunity to start fresh. No matter what you've done or posted or not done and not posted, you're just where you're meant to be. Take a deep breath and go create.

15 Responses

Interesting thoughts on the meaning of a chair…because many folks do tend somehow to illustrate chairs and sofas.  It's true that it can be comforting…contentment with surroundings or perhaps that you want a rest or to sit down.  I also think it is interesting when the chair is empty versus someone or thing on it!

Hi Leah, I enjoy hearing about your process and how different things show up in your paintings and how you pull them out. Really great colors! I'm enjoying the community you've created and being a part of it. I feel hyperaware of my process and feel like it's less important how much I create each day or how long I work. There's a bigger picture that's presenting itself. Thanks for your support!

l love your painting todayx The colours you have used are very calming and say to me… you are happy with your life at the moment but still searching for some thing…..x but anyway l find your image very interesting. How long is it since you last painted?xx l have worried for the last few days that l havent done enough actual "work" but have spent a lot of "thinking" time. All l have to do now is actually… JUST DO IT!! haxx  happy paintingxxlynda

This is absolutely beautiful.  I am so drawn to the colors and find it so inviting, warm, comforting…
I'm excited to see more…  Happy start to a new creative week.

I really like this! So funny you mentioned Van Gogh's Bedroom in Arles painting. That is one of my husband's most favorites. Not only did he draw the painting freehand when he was in grad. school for architecture, but his groom's cake at our wedding was that painting!

Oops! My above link goes to a draft that is sooo wrong! hehe This post has the correct link.

aw, leah. i absolutely love this one.

It's a sweet painting.  The window/painting within looks like it has a face to me.  I see the eyes and nose very clearly. 
I can't tell you how much I appreciate this AEDM challenge!  It has really made me stick with what I want to do.  I feel that I've grown just because I'm doing things I've wanted to do for so long.  Thank you for the challange and the encouragement.  You are a special woman to do this for so many of us. 

I agree," tres impressionist"  :)

colors, brushstrokes…yum!

You're AMAZING Leah!  Wonderful painting.  How you keep this going and work at the same time…you must have a generous spirit!  Can almost smell the ginger garlic chicken!

Leah – I love Van Gogh's work, and your painting definitely reminds me of the types of colors and shapes he used.  I also have been concerned about not producing work, since I got sick earlier this week, but appreciate how much encouragement you keep giving us to start over.  Thanks! 

I love the colours. It's fascinating reading about your creative process :-)

I was looking for some fresh start quotes just now and I love seeing the syncronicity in your posting. The chair rocks and so does your attitude. My last couple days have been spent away from the keyboard and inside the theater.
Looking forward to getting back to my visual art self that has been being birthed this month.

Leah, I absolutely love this painting.  I responded viscerally to everything in it – the shapes, the colors, the composition.  Fabulous.

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