Through Rose Colored Glasses

March 30th, 2012

I'm thrilled to share that I have 5 pieces, including Lady Fall (seen in the invite above). in the upcoming show, Through Rose Colored Glasses, at The Gallery 9 in Culver City, California! The show opens on April 14th and runs through May 29th, so if you're in the area, do check it out!

22 Responses

Congratulations Leah!!! Wishing you a successful show :) .
Stay inspired!

This is. Wonderful news, Leah! YAY….woo-hoo…yippee !!! xoxoJanet

How exciting Leah! Congrats……. so proud!!!!

Leah! I am thrilled for you! You do naturally deserve this honor. Your work is so lovely. “Lady Fall” is beautiful.

Congrats on the show. I don’t suppose you will be attending the opening reception in person though, eh? Lovely invitation! I am happy to report that I am finally back on line. Have only been checking in with my i-pad but got my new i-Mac yesterday so as soon as I get used to not working on a pc, I can start posting again…yay! I missed being here! Hope all 4 of your pieces sell at the show! xoxo

Congratualtions! That’s so exciting. I’m sure the show will be a huge success for you.

Congratulations, Leah! Looks like a great show! Funny, your open reception is the same evening as the Small Feats exhibit in St.Catharines, Ontario. Hope the show goes well for you!

Hello Leah, I won’t be there to see this, but am so thrilled for you! You deserve it, I love your art. I love your warm mixtures of colours in the piece above, a patchwork of colour that dances, so beautiful!

So happy for you Leah!! Congrats!! Oh, how i wish i was closer to see this show in person. xoxo

Big Congrats to you!!! SO excited for you :0)

Congratulations, Leah! I’m sure you are super excited.

Wonderful, wonderful news ~ congratulations! This is so deserved… I only wish I still lived there so I could attend.

Hi Leah! I can go to this!! email me if you would like me to take a video and pics for you!!

Thank you Leah for taking the time to check in with me. I posted a mood board that helped me get past the creative block I have been having. I recommend to anyone who needs to just do something but lacks the energy or creative inspiration. A mood board can get the juices flowing and if nothing else allows you to say, I did do something creative today. Cheers.

Wow that’s awesome Leah! Congratulations!

Thanks so much, guys! I’m excited about it!

Maron, I had plans to be out of state that weekend before I knew about the opening date, so I’m not sure if I can be there, but I’m looking into it.

Lorrie, oh wow! That would be amazing! I’ll email you!

Congratulations Leah! Look at you front and center, large and in charge. I so wish I could come along and cheer you on in person but hear my cheers from Victoria loud and clear! xx

Congratulations Leah. Unlikely to be in California during the show (!) but I hope it goes well for you.

Hi, I’ve just signed up again after a couple of years of doing a disappearing act! Thanks for inspiring us all to be creative every day,

How exciting! Congratulations!

What a joy to see your art!!! Congratulations :)

Wow! Now that I know your art is down there, I need to be certain to make a trip… I live two hours north of Los Angeles! How fun for me!

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