Entries Tagged as: art

20 Little Lights

December 17th, 2012, Comments (5)

Along with many people around the world, I was devastated by the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut last week. Especially now, as a parent, I can't imagine the pain those affected must be going through.

The evening of the tragedy, I sat down and painted this piece, 20 Little Lights, honoring the 20 children whose lives were cut short. My heart goes out to the children and brave adults whose lives were taken that day and the family, friends, and community they left behind.

I will be offering prints of this piece for sale, with all proceeds going to the Sandy Hook School Support Fund (run by the United Way.) If you're so inclined, you can purchase a print here.

Celebrating the Body, Your 2012, and 2013!

December 12th, 2012, Comments (2)

Leonie Dawson is spectacular. Really. Love her.

Back in 2010, I did this video interview with her about her yearly workbook and planner and we also talked about the body because that was the Creative Every Day monthly theme at the time. It's a silly interview with lots of laughs and some cat bombs from two of my kitties. The sound doesn't match our mouths in the beginning for some reason, but it gets better. I think it's worth listening to because I know body issues come up a lot around this time of year!

One thing I like about Leonie's planner is that she has pages for celebrating all you've accomplished in the previous year (and sometimes it's easy to forget all you've accomplished in the last 12 months) and then lots of room to celebrate all you want to accomplish in the next year. It's important to do both!

Before you move on to 2013, take a moment to go through your year. If you have a blog, that can be a good way to look back, or look back through your digital photos. Look back at the risks you took, the people you met, the places you traveled to, the things (big and small) that you created, the people you touched, and the laughs you had. Make a list of some or all of these things and take a moment (or longer) to acknowledge and celebrate your year.

And if you'd like some extra help with the celebrations and planning, check out Leonie's beautiful planner and have a blast filling it out!

Celebrating the Holidays

December 11th, 2012, Comments (3)

I'd like to get into the holiday spirit with Annabelle and do some crafty stuff this year. Trying to contain the mess is a challenge! I do like how these ornaments came out though. A friend saw the idea on pinterest (I think) and I copied her, so I don't know where the idea originated from, but it's cute and simple and a nice craft to do with little ones.

I bought some plain red ornaments (some matte, some shiny) and then painted Annabelle's hand with white tempera paint (non-toxic). I pressed her hand on the bottom of the ornament, then repainted and did a few few more ornaments. (Be sure to have some extra ornaments, they won't all come out great.)

After cleaning up Annabelle and letting the ornaments dry, I used permanent markers to draw in the snowmen details and write Annabelle's name and the year. Sorry for the spoiler, grandparents! :-)

Now when Annabelle sees them, she says, "hand!" and puts her hand up against them. It'll be a nice memory of how small her little hands once were!

Celebrating a Small Works Show and Traveling Waves

December 8th, 2012, Comments (2)

Tonight from 6 - 10 pm at The Whole 9 Gallery in Culver City, is an opening for a Small Works show, which will feature several pieces of my art. If you're in the area, check it out! My piece, Storyteller, is in the bottom right corner of the invite above.

Another thing to celebrate, my painting, Whale Dreams on the cover of a cd of meditative music, which you can purchase a hard copy of here or find on iTunes or cdbaby.

Day 30: Shedding Gold

November 30th, 2012, Comments (8)

Another magical year of Art Every Day Month has come to a close today. As I mentioned in the check-in, it was one of my favorites. Things just seemed to be flowing and that always feels good. I hope that things were flowing for you as well. If you want to keep the energy going, sign up for the Creative Every Day Challenge. The check-ins are weekly (every Monday) and continue throughout the year. Stay tuned for December's (totally optional) theme and the sign-up page for 2013!

Today's art is another intuitive piece I'm calling "Shedding Gold." And now, time for bed.


November 29th, 2012, Comments (6)

Another intuitive piece today. Simple, but I'm loving it. Seems fitting that the second day of this month brought a mother - daughter image and the second to last day did as well.

I can not believe that tomorrow is the last day of Art Every Day Month this year! As always, it flew.

Day 28: Yellow Dress

November 28th, 2012, Comments (10)

Playing intuitively with acrylic paint, this is what appeared today. I'm seeing a Venus of Willendorf in the dress!

Day 27: Quiet Night

November 27th, 2012, Comments (11)

Tonight is a quiet night at home.

So much fun with little Miss Annabelle today, who was so happy to see some of her little friends in art class today. My child has no fear of mess. It does not phase her to be covered in paint, goo, or soapy bubbles. That's my girl! At home we colored together with animal head crayons that were supposed to be a stocking stuffer (oops!) We played many, many games of Ring Around the Rosy, read many books, chased the cats. And tonight when I told her it was time for bed, she said, "Oh No!" haha. She went to bed just fine though. 


November 26th, 2012, Comments (6)

Playing intuitively with paint today, I saw a phoenix in the shapes as I worked, so this one I'm dedicating to my lovely sister, Leslie or as Annabelle calls her, Lala.

2013 Calendar!

November 26th, 2012, Comments (1)

My 2013 Calendar is now available! I'm doing things a little differently this year. Usually, I pull from years past up to the present, but this year, I'm filling the pages with art I did this month during Art Every Day Month!

I'm making a small batch this year, so if you want one, please grab it soon. Calendars will ship out in mid-December to get to you before Christmas (in the States.) And as a special bonus, I'll add a drawing to your (or your recipient's) birthday in the calendar pages.

You can grab a calendar here!