Entries Tagged as: art

Day 25: Two Mermaids

November 25th, 2012, Comments (2)

Tonight, I played with some paints first and then let it sit. Andrew saw a mermaid tail in it first and I decided to run with it, painting these two mermaids in acrylic paint on paper.

Inkblot and 2013 Calendar

November 24th, 2012, Comments (5)

Finally home tonight after a week of Thanksgiving celebrations with a variety of family. It was a wonderful week, but we're pooped! I've just put up the pre-order page for my 2013 Calendar. I'm getting them out later than usual this year, so I'm doing a limited amount. This year, I'm filling the pages with art from this month of Art Every Day, including Creating a Forest of Her Own, Snow in Her Hair, and Fall into Winter. I'll also do a special drawing on your birth date (or the birthday of a gift recipient) in the calendar! You can pre-order yours by 12/5 to get it by Christmas (if you're in the States/Canada. I can't guarantee Christmas delivery for other countries, but you can still order them. They might make it!) I'll have more details on the calendar soon.

And here's my inkblot art for the evening. Another blue-haired ladies image!

Days 22 – 23: Inkblot bridesmaids and Sophia

November 23rd, 2012, Comments (10)

I hope everyone who celebrated had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends! With my extended family, we'll be continuing the celebrations tomorrow. Yesterday, I did some inkblot art in a small sketchbook, leading to this image of two blue-haired bridesmaids.

Perhaps they're the same blue-haired sisters that appeared in an inkblot last year! :-)

Today, I was doodling owls in my sketchbook and had the idea to do an owl perched on a woman's head. I'm calling it Sophia. In Greece, owls represent wisdom and seeing little owls in my head while breathing through labor is partly why I chose Sophia (meaning wisdom) as Annabelle's middle name. I wasn't thinking of my daughter with this image though, it was more of an outward representation of the brain.

Day 21: Creating a Forest of Her Own

November 21st, 2012, Comments (7)

Tonight, I started this painting after dinner, while Annabelle was still awake and she was super jealous. She wanted to paint too!

The acorn imagery appears in this painting as well, in the gut of the woman and also coming out of her hand over the forest blooming from her dress.

I will be away tomorrow, so I most likely won't post my art from Thursday until Friday (the daily posts will still be up.) I hope those of you in the States have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Day 20: Acorn Heart

November 20th, 2012, Comments (3)

Tonight, I did this small piece, a tree with an acorn at it's heart. I seem to be loving the acorn/potential/seed image this month!

The days since I've been back have been busy with house guests and the next few days will be filled with more travel and family. Even though I'm tired and lacking in stretches of time, I'm glad to be keeping up my art each day, even if it's in a small way.

I’m back!

November 19th, 2012, Comments (6)

I'm back from my trip to Florida and I managed to continue creating. Here's my art from today and the days I was away.

Butterfly Skirt

Dream Forest

Golden Forest

A quick sketch of Annabelle running in the sand.

Moonlit Boat Ride

Day 14: Golden Trees

November 14th, 2012, Comments (10)

A piece of intuitive art today. Playing with paint on watercolor paper, this is what came out!

Tomorrow, I leave for a few days away with family. The daily check-in posts will still be up, so you can share your work, but I won't have my laptop, so I won't be able to post my work until I return (Sunday.) If I can connect to the internet on my phone, I will be sharing my work each day on Instagram! And I'll be able to check my email occasionally. Good luck with your creating, everyone!!

Day 13: Demeter in Winter

November 13th, 2012, Comments (11)

I wanted to make a Demeter counterpart for the Persephone in Autumn piece I did earlier in the month. Again, I started with collaging the background in the early morning hours and then painted the figure during Annabelle's afternoon nap. Again, I included a female figure in her face, which ended up getting painted over, but you can see a simple, young female figure (representing Persephone) in her hair.

After I thought the piece was finished and I took a picture for Instagram, I noticed what looked like a bird shape in her hair, so I brought that out a little bit. It seemed right.

I wanted this piece to show Persephone while she is missing her daughter, wondering where she is. Stopping for a moment to hold her in her mind. I painted it with acrylics, on top of collage on a 6"x6" panel.

By the way, if you have any interest in purchasing an original or print of the pieces I've created this month, let me know! Most of them will eventually make their way into my shop, but you can snap them up before that, if you'd like. Just pop me an email to discuss. One of this month's pieces, Potential, has already sold!

Day 12: Whale Love

November 12th, 2012, Comments (15)

I'm not even sure where, but somewhere today, I saw an image of a whale and had the urge to paint one. Working with fluid acrylics on watercolor paper, I painted this whale, spouting some love.

Day 11 – Blue Lantern

November 11th, 2012, Comments (6)

Weekends seem to be just as jam-packed as weekdays around these parts, but it was fun! Today, I started with painting color on a wet sheet of watercolor paper and then let my intuition be my guide as to where to take it. It turned into this woman carrying a lantern full of blue light.