Art Every Day Month Check-In: Day 20

November 20th, 2010, 15 Comments


Welcome to day 20 of Art Every Day Month. I can hardly believe we're at day 20 already! Time flies when you're creatively engaged. :-)

The box below is a widget that I provide each day as an optional place to share a direct link (blog post or flickr image) to that day's creation. If you don't have something to share today, don't worry about it! Share when you can. In the meantime, be sure to check out what other participants are creating! Check out the links from today's post and the links on the participant page for instant inspiration. You can also see lots of great work in the AEDM flickr group. Feel free to share your work there too!

If you use the widget, please link to a specific blog post, not your main blog page or website (or you can link to a specific image if you're linking to a flickr page.) For example, for day one I would link to my first post: instead of my main blog page: This makes it easier for people to find your work.  If you want to share, but don't have a specific page to link to, feel free to use the comments section of this post to share what you're working on. If you're posting less than once a day, no problem! Simply use the latest one of these posts to share a link to your creation. For some, it's too much to keep up with posting every day, but don't let that get you down. Do it if you can and if you can't, just keep on creating, that's the most important part. If you get off track and miss a few days of creating, don't let that freeze you up either. Just pick up where you left off and keep moving forward. One foot in front of the other. You are making your life a more creative one with each step.

How to participate in Art Every Day Month: Check out the AEDM info page for all the details, instructions on how to get involved, and then visit the participants page to sign-up before you use the link widget to share your creations. The Information page also has instructions about how to use the widget below, if you're having any trouble with it.

Survival Guide: If you feel like you could use some more support, prompts, and motivation to keep going throughout the month, check out the Art Every Day Month Survival Guide.

Twitter: If you're on Twitter (I'm on there as @leah_art), I've been using the hashtag #aedm2010 to mark Art Every Day Month tweets. It helps to find others who are tweeting about AEDM!

Creative Every Day Challenge participants: If you're not doing Art Every Day Month, you can still use any of the daily Art Every Day Month check-in posts to leave your weekly link.

We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own and other’s people’s models, learn to be ourselves and allow our natural channel to open. —Shakti Gawain

Apple Tree

November 19th, 2010, 19 Comments

For day of Art Every Day Month, I did a simple drawing with Inktense pencils. The little owl snuck in at the last minute. I'm thinking if I have a girl, I might do an owl nursery.

Tonight, the hubster and I are off to see the Harry Potter movie and I'm so excited!

I hope your weekends are brilliantly creative and fun!

p.s. If you pre-order my 2011 calendar by Thanksgiving (right around the corner!) you can get a personal drawing on your birthday! Get yours here.

Continue to read Apple Tree

Art Every Day Month Check-In: Day 19

November 19th, 2010, 22 Comments


Welcome to the 19th day of Art Every Day Month. I've noticed some folks worried they haven't done enough or are cheating by working on something that they've already started. Don't let those voices get to you! You are doing great! Working on or re-working something you started earlier is fabulous! I think any opportunity to create is a beautiful thing, so revel in that and let the not-enough-monster roll right off your back.

The box below is a widget that I provide each day as an optional place to share a direct link (blog post or flickr image) to that day's creation. If you don't have something to share today, don't worry about it! Share when you can. In the meantime, be sure to check out what other participants are creating! Check out the links from today's post and the links on the participant page for instant inspiration. You can also see lots of great work in the AEDM flickr group. Feel free to share your work there too!

If you use the widget, please link to a specific blog post, not your main blog page or website (or you can link to a specific image if you're linking to a flickr page.) For example, for day one I would link to my first post: instead of my main blog page: This makes it easier for people to find your work.  If you want to share, but don't have a specific page to link to, feel free to use the comments section of this post to share what you're working on. If you're posting less than once a day, no problem! Simply use the latest one of these posts to share a link to your creation. For some, it's too much to keep up with posting every day, but don't let that get you down. Do it if you can and if you can't, just keep on creating, that's the most important part. If you get off track and miss a few days of creating, don't let that freeze you up either. Just pick up where you left off and keep moving forward. One foot in front of the other. You are making your life a more creative one with each step.

How to participate in Art Every Day Month: Check out the AEDM info page for all the details, instructions on how to get involved, and then visit the participants page to sign-up before you use the link widget to share your creations. The Information page also has instructions about how to use the widget below, if you're having any trouble with it.

Survival Guide: If you feel like you could use some more support, prompts, and motivation to keep going throughout the month, check out the Art Every Day Month Survival Guide.

Twitter: If you're on Twitter (I'm on there as @leah_art), I've been using the hashtag #aedm2010 to mark Art Every Day Month tweets. It helps to find others who are tweeting about AEDM!

Creative Every Day Challenge participants: If you're not doing Art Every Day Month, you can still use any of the daily Art Every Day Month check-in posts to leave your weekly link.

Not every thing you create will be a masterpiece, but you get out there and try. Sometimes it happens, the other times you're just stretching your soul. -Maya Angelou

Singing Bird

November 18th, 2010, 22 Comments

I drew a little bird in my sketchbook last night, so I decided to bring it to life today for Art Every Day Month, with collage, paint, and ink. It's about 6"x7" on paper. More birdfeeder inspiration I think. Although there are mothering images in the collage, that got entirely painted over, so I think it's a mother bird as well. :-)

Continue to read Singing Bird

Art Every Day Month Check-In: Day 18

November 18th, 2010, 21 Comments


Welcome to the 18th day of Art Every Day Month. You are all amazing. Yes, you! Thank you for sharing your creativity!

The box below is a widget that I provide each day as an optional place to share a direct link (blog post or flickr image) to that day's creation. If you don't have something to share today, don't worry about it! Share when you can. In the meantime, be sure to check out what other participants are creating! Check out the links from today's post and the links on the participant page for instant inspiration. You can also see lots of great work in the AEDM flickr group. Feel free to share your work there too!

If you use the widget, please link to a specific blog post, not your main blog page or website (or you can link to a specific image if you're linking to a flickr page.) For example, for day one I would link to my first post: instead of my main blog page: This makes it easier for people to find your work.  If you want to share, but don't have a specific page to link to, feel free to use the comments section of this post to share what you're working on. If you're posting less than once a day, no problem! Simply use the latest one of these posts to share a link to your creation. For some, it's too much to keep up with posting every day, but don't let that get you down. Do it if you can and if you can't, just keep on creating, that's the most important part. If you get off track and miss a few days of creating, don't let that freeze you up either. Just pick up where you left off and keep moving forward. One foot in front of the other. You are making your life a more creative one with each step.

How to participate in Art Every Day Month: Check out the AEDM info page for all the details, instructions on how to get involved, and then visit the participants page to sign-up before you use the link widget to share your creations. The Information page also has instructions about how to use the widget below, if you're having any trouble with it.

Survival Guide: If you feel like you could use some more support, prompts, and motivation to keep going throughout the month, check out the Art Every Day Month Survival Guide.

Twitter: If you're on Twitter (I'm on there as @leah_art), I've been using the hashtag #aedm2010 to mark Art Every Day Month tweets. It helps to find others who are tweeting about AEDM!

Creative Every Day Challenge participants: If you're not doing Art Every Day Month, you can still use any of the daily Art Every Day Month check-in posts to leave your weekly link.

Your creativity is waiting for you like a dancing partner. -Barbara Sher


November 17th, 2010, 21 Comments

Day 17 of Art Every Day Month. Another intuitive piece. I did the collage elements first and saw the figure so clearly! I like how the dress came together, however, I feel like I want to change the background, but for now this is where I'll stop.

Continue to read Held

Art Every Day Month Check-In: Day 17

November 17th, 2010, 22 Comments


Welcome to the 17th day of Art Every Day Month. I love to hear how creating art every day is becoming a habit for many of you. It amazes me how I manage to squeeze it in to days that feel so busy. Eye opening!

The box below is a widget that I provide each day as an optional place to share a direct link (blog post or flickr image) to that day's creation. If you don't have something to share today, don't worry about it! Share when you can. In the meantime, be sure to check out what other participants are creating! Check out the links from today's post and the links on the participant page for instant inspiration. You can also see lots of great work in the AEDM flickr group. Feel free to share your work there too!

If you use the widget, please link to a specific blog post, not your main blog page or website (or you can link to a specific image if you're linking to a flickr page.) For example, for day one I would link to my first post: instead of my main blog page: This makes it easier for people to find your work.  If you want to share, but don't have a specific page to link to, feel free to use the comments section of this post to share what you're working on. If you're posting less than once a day, no problem! Simply use the latest one of these posts to share a link to your creation. For some, it's too much to keep up with posting every day, but don't let that get you down. Do it if you can and if you can't, just keep on creating, that's the most important part. If you get off track and miss a few days of creating, don't let that freeze you up either. Just pick up where you left off and keep moving forward. One foot in front of the other. You are making your life a more creative one with each step.

How to participate in Art Every Day Month: Check out the AEDM info page for all the details, instructions on how to get involved, and then visit the participants page to sign-up before you use the link widget to share your creations. The Information page also has instructions about how to use the widget below, if you're having any trouble with it.

Survival Guide: If you feel like you could use some more support, prompts, and motivation to keep going throughout the month, check out the Art Every Day Month Survival Guide.

Twitter: If you're on Twitter (I'm on there as @leah_art), I've been using the hashtag #aedm2010 to mark Art Every Day Month tweets. It helps to find others who are tweeting about AEDM!

Creative Every Day Challenge participants: If you're not doing Art Every Day Month, you can still use any of the daily Art Every Day Month check-in posts to leave your weekly link.

To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~Joseph Chilton Pierce

Cardinal Tree

November 16th, 2010, 33 Comments

For day 16 of Art Every Day Month, I've done a simple drawing of a tree full of cardinals. I was inspired by the bright, bright red cardinals in our yard today. They're so pretty! Their color is even more jolting on gray days like today. I've drawn it in in on 6"x12" canvas paper.

I think this would look cute on a holiday card!

Continue to read Cardinal Tree

Art Every Day Month Check-In: Day 16

November 16th, 2010, 19 Comments


Sorry for the lateness of today's post! Today is the 16th day of Art Every Day Month. Continue to check-in on the amazing creativity others are up to! So inspiring!

The box below is a widget that I provide each day as an optional place to share a direct link (blog post or flickr image) to that day's creation. If you don't have something to share today, don't worry about it! Share when you can. In the meantime, be sure to check out what other participants are creating! Check out the links from today's post and the links on the participant page for instant inspiration. You can also see lots of great work in the AEDM flickr group. Feel free to share your work there too!

If you use the widget, please link to a specific blog post, not your main blog page or website (or you can link to a specific image if you're linking to a flickr page.) For example, for day one I would link to my first post: instead of my main blog page: This makes it easier for people to find your work.  If you want to share, but don't have a specific page to link to, feel free to use the comments section of this post to share what you're working on. If you're posting less than once a day, no problem! Simply use the latest one of these posts to share a link to your creation. For some, it's too much to keep up with posting every day, but don't let that get you down. Do it if you can and if you can't, just keep on creating, that's the most important part. If you get off track and miss a few days of creating, don't let that freeze you up either. Just pick up where you left off and keep moving forward. One foot in front of the other. You are making your life a more creative one with each step.

How to participate in Art Every Day Month: Check out the AEDM info page for all the details, instructions on how to get involved, and then visit the participants page to sign-up before you use the link widget to share your creations. The Information page also has instructions about how to use the widget below, if you're having any trouble with it.

Survival Guide: If you feel like you could use some more support, prompts, and motivation to keep going throughout the month, check out the Art Every Day Month Survival Guide.

Twitter: If you're on Twitter (I'm on there as @leah_art), I've been using the hashtag #aedm2010 to mark Art Every Day Month tweets. It helps to find others who are tweeting about AEDM!

Creative Every Day Challenge participants: If you're not doing Art Every Day Month, you can still use any of the daily Art Every Day Month check-in posts to leave your weekly link.

Each of us, even the least complicated of us, is a vastly comple, endlessly fascinating creature, and the secret to creating art is to gain access to that creature and all that it knows. It is my suspicion that what appears to be talent is really just a doorway to a larger consciousness. As artists, we want to keep the door wide open all the time. -Cay Lang in "Taking the Leap"

Thought Clouds

November 15th, 2010, 19 Comments

For day 15 of Art Every Day Month, I decided to play with Caran d'Ache water soluble pastels. The image just kind of popped into being when I put pastel to paper. It's about 9"x12" on paper. 

I also spent some time with my best friend today crafting Christmas ornaments, which I'll have to snap some pictures of later. I'm choosing not to think about the fact that the holidays are right around the corner. Yikes!

Time was going so slow this fall, while I was waiting for ultrasound appointments and such, but all of the sudden time is speeding up! I am looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner however. I'm going to be trying out this pumpkin cornbread recipe and bringing that along. Has anyone tried it or something like it?

Continue to read Thought Clouds