Art Every Day Month Check-In: November 19th

November 19th, 2009, 23 Comments


Today is the 19th day of Art Every Day Month. I love the Maya Angelou quote at the end of today's post. It's so true. Some days during AEDM we'll be over the moon with what we've created and other days we won't be. But in both cases we've stretched our soul and grown as artists. It's all good.

The box below is a widget that I provide each day as an optional place to share a direct link (blog post or flickr image) to that day's creation. If you don't have something to share today, don't worry about it! Share when you can. In the meantime, be sure to check out what other participants are creating! Check out the links from today's post and the links in the sidebar for instant inspiration. You can also see lots of great work in the AEDM flickr group. Feel free to share your work there too!

If you use the widget, please link to a specific blog post (or specific image if you're linking to a flickr page or other website) instead of your main blog page or website. If you want to share, but don't have a specific page to link to, feel free to use the comments section of this post to share what you're working on. If you're posting less than once a day, no problem! Simply use the latest one of these posts to share a link to your creation. For some, it's too much to keep up with posting every day, but don't let that get you down. Do it if you can and if you can't, just keep on creating, that's the most important part. If you get off track and miss a few days of creating, don't let that freeze you up either. Just pick up where you left off and keep moving forward. One foot in front of the other. You are making your life a more creative one with each step.

If you're new to Art Every Day Month, check out the AEDM info page for all the details, then send me an email to sign-up before you use the link widget to share your creations. (If that email link isn't working, you can email me at leah at

Instructions: Please see the Art Every Day Month Instructions post if you have any confusion about how to post your link or how to sign up.

Twitter: Are you participating in AEDM and you're on Twitter too? I'm on there as @leah_art and I've been using the hashtag #aedm to mark Art Every Day Month tweets. I also started a Twitter list for AEDM which can help you easily find Twitter folks who are participating. If you're not on the Twitter list yet and would like to be, send me a DM (Direct Message on Twitter.)

Not everything you create will be a masterpiece, but you get out there and you try, and sometimes it really happens. The other times you're just stretching your soul. -Maya Algelou

Update: I've recently switched web hosts, so my spam filter is catching a lot of comments and storing them until I approve them. If you don't see your comment show up right away, it's probably because I have to approve it first. Thanks for your patience!


November 18th, 2009, 30 Comments

This one kind of floated out of me today. Ha! I suppose that makes sense with the image too!

I had started drawing the figure with water-soluble wax pastels and there seemed to be this release coming from the heart, which I drew out into swirls. Later, I came back to it and had the inspiration to add the bird. I think it has to do with releasing negative energy. Having been through a difficult situation recently, I was still feeling some lingering ickiness around it, and this image feels healing to me.

I love how things can just flow out when we give them the space to do so!

Continue to read Release

Interview with Chris Zydel about Intuitive Painting

November 18th, 2009, 7 Comments

I'm so excited to be able to share this interview with the fabulous Chris Zydel. Chris is an artist, writer, teacher of Intuitive Painting, and has so many insightful things to share about the process of creating from your intuition.

Click here to listen.

The recording is about 17 minutes long. You may also right-click (or ctrl-click on a Mac) to save this interview to your computer to listen to later. Perhaps you can listen in while you work on your art for the day today!

Chris is leading a 6 day Intuitive Painting Retreat in Northern California, January 16th - 22nd, 2010, which sounds simply amazing. You can find out all about the retreat here. You can learn more about Chris and her work on her website, Creative Juices Arts. Chris also has a blog and is on Twitter too!

Art Every Day Month Check-In: November 18th

November 18th, 2009, 19 Comments


Today is the 18th day of Art Every Day Month. I've noticed a lot of folks mentioning that they're working on or thinking about creating similar things at the same time. This happens each year during Art Every Day Month, but it always delights me. Perhaps because we're all creating together this month, we're all connected energetically, and therefore on a similar wave-length. I don't know. But I do know that I love the little synchronicities that pop up everywhere! Have you experienced any fun synchronicity this month?

The box below is a widget that I provide each day as an optional place to share a direct link (blog post or flickr image) to that day's creation. If you don't have something to share today, don't worry about it! Share when you can. In the meantime, be sure to check out what other participants are creating! Check out the links from today's post and the links in the sidebar for instant inspiration. You can also see lots of great work in the AEDM flickr group. Feel free to share your work there too!

If you use the widget, please link to a specific blog post (or specific image if you're linking to a flickr page or other website) instead of your main blog page or website. If you want to share, but don't have a specific page to link to, feel free to use the comments section of this post to share what you're working on. If you're posting less than once a day, no problem! Simply use the latest one of these posts to share a link to your creation. For some, it's too much to keep up with posting every day, but don't let that get you down. Do it if you can and if you can't, just keep on creating, that's the most important part. If you get off track and miss a few days of creating, don't let that freeze you up either. Just pick up where you left off and keep moving forward. One foot in front of the other. You are making your life a more creative one with each step.

If you're new to Art Every Day Month, check out the AEDM info page for all the details, then send me an email to sign-up before you use the link widget to share your creations. (If that email link isn't working, you can email me at leah at

Instructions: Please see the Art Every Day Month Instructions post if you have any confusion about how to post your link or how to sign up.

Twitter: Are you participating in AEDM and you're on Twitter too? I'm on there as @leah_art and I've been using the hashtag #aedm to mark Art Every Day Month tweets. I also started a Twitter list for AEDM which can help you easily find Twitter folks who are participating. If you're not on the Twitter list yet and would like to be, send me a DM (Direct Message on Twitter.)

I work in whatever medium likes me at the moment. -- Marc Chagall

Update: I've recently switched web hosts, so my spam filter is catching a lot of comments and storing them until I approve them. If you don't see your comment show up right away, it's probably because I have to approve it first. Thanks for your patience!

Itty Bitty Kitty Art: Bedtime Cat

November 17th, 2009, 24 Comments

I painted this cute kitty earlier today, but then my camera ran out of batteries, I couldn't find the charger for awhile, and it took some time to charge, but (phew!) it all worked out.

I got these teeny tiny 3"x3" canvases (and a little easel) at Blick Art Supplies last month. The other itty bitty kitty art was 4"x4" and I think these 3"x3" pieces will be as small as they'll go.

My cat Sadie loves to get under the covers and put her head on the pillow like she's a little person, especially when I'm in bed. It's so darn cute that I had to make this little piece in her honor. I'm sure she's not the only cat who does it. :-)

Check in tomorrow morning, when I'll have a great interview with Chris Zydel all about intuitive painting!

Art Every Day Month Check-In: November 17th

November 17th, 2009, 20 Comments


Today is the 17th day of Art Every Day Month. One of the fun things about AEDM is that after a certain number of days of art-making in a row, you start trying new things, things you've been putting off, things you wouldn't normally do. This is fabulous. Go ahead and follow any desire you have to play and experiment. No matter if it's not perfect. Just let go and see what comes up!

The box below is a widget that I provide each day as an optional place to share a direct link (blog post or flickr image) to that day's creation. If you don't have something to share today, don't worry about it! Share when you can. In the meantime, be sure to check out what other participants are creating! Check out the links from today's post and the links in the sidebar for instant inspiration. You can also see lots of great work in the AEDM flickr group. Feel free to share your work there too!

If you use the widget, please link to a specific blog post (or specific image if you're linking to a flickr page or other website) instead of your main blog page or website. If you want to share, but don't have a specific page to link to, feel free to use the comments section of this post to share what you're working on. If you're posting less than once a day, no problem! Simply use the latest one of these posts to share a link to your creation. For some, it's too much to keep up with posting every day, but don't let that get you down. Do it if you can and if you can't, just keep on creating, that's the most important part. If you get off track and miss a few days of creating, don't let that freeze you up either. Just pick up where you left off and keep moving forward. One foot in front of the other. You are making your life a more creative one with each step.

If you're new to Art Every Day Month, check out the AEDM info page for all the details, then send me an email to sign-up before you use the link widget to share your creations. (If that email link isn't working, you can email me at leah at

Instructions: Please see the Art Every Day Month Instructions post if you have any confusion about how to post your link or how to sign up.

Twitter: Are you participating in AEDM and you're on Twitter too? I'm on there as @leah_art and I've been using the hashtag #aedm to mark Art Every Day Month tweets. I also started a Twitter list for AEDM which can help you easily find Twitter folks who are participating. If you're not on the Twitter list yet and would like to be, send me a DM (Direct Message on Twitter.)

To be an aritst is not to wait for others to define us, but to define ourselves, claim our lives… -Jan Phillips

Update: I've just switched web hosts, so my spam filter is catching a lot of comments and storing them until I approve them. If you don't see your comment show up right away, it's probably because I have to approve it first. Thanks for your patience!


November 16th, 2009, 26 Comments

I find inspiration in odd places sometimes, it's often a trick of the eye that will give me an idea. For example, I've been inspired by things I've seen in reflections in glass, in wood grain, and in shadows. In the case of today's art, I'd clicked on a picture shared by a friend on Twitter and for a moment I thought it was an abstract painting with umbrellas in it. In the next moment, I saw it for what it was, a view of the Grand Canyon with a gate in front of it. But I decided to bring  what I'd seen in that brief moment to life. It's 15"x20" with acrylic on paper and I was able to put the masking fluid to use again to create the umbrellas.

Sometimes inspiration is odd and we can wonder about whether to bring it to life or not, or we can just go for it. Why not?

Continue to read Umbrellas

Art Every Day Month: November 16th

November 16th, 2009, 23 Comments


Today is the 16th day of Art Every Day Month. Somewhere along the way you may feel like throwing in the towel and walking away. Perhaps you are putting too much pressure on yourself to do it all perfectly. If so, give yourself permission to take it easy today. Do something simple and small until you've gathered your energy again. Take baby steps. They'll get you through on those days when it seems so hard. And you'll feel better for taking that small step forward.

The box below is a widget that I provide each day as an optional place to share a direct link (blog post or flickr image) to that day's creation. If you don't have something to share today, don't worry about it! Share when you can. In the meantime, be sure to check out what other participants are creating! Check out the links from today's post and the links in the sidebar for instant inspiration. You can also see lots of great work in the AEDM flickr group. Feel free to share your work there too!

If you use the widget, please link to a specific blog post (or specific image if you're linking to a flickr page or other website) instead of your main blog page or website. If you want to share, but don't have a specific page to link to, feel free to use the comments section of this post to share what you're working on. If you're posting less than once a day, no problem! Simply use the latest one of these posts to share a link to your creation. For some, it's too much to keep up with posting every day, but don't let that get you down. Do it if you can and if you can't, just keep on creating, that's the most important part. If you get off track and miss a few days of creating, don't let that freeze you up either. Just pick up where you left off and keep moving forward. One foot in front of the other. You are making your life a more creative one with each step.

If you're new to Art Every Day Month, check out the AEDM info page for all the details, then send me an email to sign-up before you use the link widget to share your creations. (If that email link isn't working, you can email me at leah at

Instructions: Please see the Art Every Day Month Instructions post if you have any confusion about how to post your link or how to sign up.

Twitter: Are you participating in AEDM and you're on Twitter too? I'm on there as @leah_art and I've been using the hashtag #aedm to mark Art Every Day Month tweets. I also started a Twitter list for AEDM which can help you easily find Twitter folks who are participating. If you're not on the Twitter list yet and would like to be, send me a DM (Direct Message on Twitter.)

Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. ~Edward de Bono

Update: I've just switched web hosts, so my spam filter is catching a lot of comments and storing them until I approve them. If you don't see your comment show up right away, it's probably because I have to approve it first. Thanks for your patience!

The Chair

November 15th, 2009, 15 Comments


Today I started just playing with paint again. This time the shapes I created spontaneously looked a bit like a chair in a room, so I brought it out. I'm not sure if the large rectangle next to it is a window or a painting, but I like that it could be either one.

How unusual for me to paint a chair! But this AEDM has been full of surprises for me.

Perhaps the chair came up because it's comforting, representing the comforts of being at home, with the hubster downstairs making chicken rubbed with ginger and garlic and an angel food cake that he saw Ming Tsai make this morning and decided he wanted to make too. Lucky me! :-)

Perhaps the chair represents something else. I'm not sure. The colors make me think of VanGogh's painting of his bedroom in Arles. Something may occur to me later if I let it sit awhile. Or it might not. Either way, I enjoyed painting it.

Some of you have mentioned being concerned with what you have or haven't accomplished this month so far. But remember that each day is a new opportunity to start fresh. No matter what you've done or posted or not done and not posted, you're just where you're meant to be. Take a deep breath and go create.

Continue to read The Chair

Art Every Day Month Check-In: November 15th

November 15th, 2009, 14 Comments


Today is the 15th day of Art Every Day Month. Can you believe it? We're half-way through the month! It always flies by so fast. Take a moment today to congratulate yourself for all you've accomplished, think about what you might like to create during the rest of November, and then jump back in and enjoy it!

The box below is a widget that I provide each day as an optional place to share a direct link (blog post or flickr image) to that day's creation. If you don't have something to share today, don't worry about it! Share when you can. In the meantime, be sure to check out what other participants are creating! Check out the links from today's post and the links in the sidebar for instant inspiration. You can also see lots of great work in the AEDM flickr group. Feel free to share your work there too!

If you use the widget, please link to a specific blog post (or specific image if you're linking to a flickr page or other website) instead of your main blog page or website. If you want to share, but don't have a specific page to link to, feel free to use the comments section of this post to share what you're working on. If you're posting less than once a day, no problem! Simply use the latest one of these posts to share a link to your creation. For some, it's too much to keep up with posting every day, but don't let that get you down. Do it if you can and if you can't, just keep on creating, that's the most important part. If you get off track and miss a few days of creating, don't let that freeze you up either. Just pick up where you left off and keep moving forward. One foot in front of the other. You are making your life a more creative one with each step.

If you're new to Art Every Day Month, check out the AEDM info page for all the details, then send me an email to sign-up before you use the link widget to share your creations. (If that email link isn't working, you can email me at leah at

Instructions: Please see the Art Every Day Month Instructions post if you have any confusion about how to post your link or how to sign up.

Twitter: Are you participating in AEDM and you're on Twitter too? I'm on there as @leah_art and I've been using the hashtag #aedm to mark Art Every Day Month tweets. I also started a Twitter list for AEDM which can help you easily find Twitter folks who are participating. If you're not on the Twitter list yet and would like to be, send me a DM (Direct Message on Twitter.)

Creativity is the ability of a person to respond to visual and other sensory stimuli in an original way, and then to share this response with passion, individuality, and spirit. ~Gerald Brommer